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Application of COM-B model as a support to Lean Healthcare diagnostic: the case of Pharmaceutical Care Process
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.14488/bjopm.2020.038
Karina Yamashiro Barrionuevo , Istefani Carísio de Paula , Aline Gularte , Lucia Sortica de Bittencourt

Goal: The objective in this paper is to test the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation to perform Behavior model (COM-B model) from the Behavior Change Wheel (BCW) tool (Michie et al., 2014) as part of the diagnosis of Lean Healthcare. Design / Methodology / Approach: Interviews were performed with health professionals from the Pharmaceutical Care Process (PCPr) in the city of Porto Alegre-RS, responsible for the stages of selection, programming, acquisition, storage, distribution and dispensation (SPASDD) of the PCPr cycle in the municipality. The content analysis of data allowed to develop a model for diagnosing and monitoring the logistical performance of PCPr. Results: Results indicated that about 94.0% of problems related to physical and social opportunities in the processes, including improvements in the workspace, furniture, HR hiring and training, security of assets and relationships with users of the PCPr system, which if minimized can reduce the resistance of employees to the change process. Dimensions such as motivation, psychological and physical capacity have revealed lower percentages, but they are important opportunities to improve the PCPr process. Limitations of the investigation: The reduced number of respondents, however interviews were sufficient to capture the perceptions and build a scenario that may be validated in the future with other stakeholders involved in the process. Practical implications: The practical contribution resides in the identification of the behaviors to be changed in a Lean Healthcare project at the Pharmaceutical Care context. COM-B helped to identify behaviors that may hamper the efficiency of the PCPr in a large city. Originality / Value: COM-B has proved to be a useful method to support Lean Healthcare projects, the contribution of this investigation lies in expanding the applicability of COM-B model along with Lean Healthcare projects, mainly at the diagnosis stage.



目的:本文的目的是通过行为改变轮(BCW)工具(Michie等人,2014)来测试执行行为模型(COM-B模型)的能力,机会和动机,作为瘦身诊断的一部分卫生保健。设计/方法/方法:与来自Porto Alegre-RS市的药物护理过程(PCPr)的卫生专业人员进行了访谈,这些人员负责选择,编程,获取,存储,分配和分发(SPASDD)的阶段。 PCPr在市区内的循环。通过对数据进行内容分析,可以开发出用于诊断和监视PCPr物流性能的模型。结果:结果表明,约94.0%的问题与过程中的身体和社会机会有关,包括工作空间,家具,人力资源招聘和培训,资产安全性以及与PCPr系统用户的关系,如果将其最小化,则可以减少员工对变更过程的抵制。动机,心理和身体能力等维度显示出较低的百分比,但它们是改善PCPr流程的重要机会。调查的局限性:减少了受访者的数量,但是访谈足以捕捉人们的看法,并建立一个可以在未来与过程中涉及的其他利益相关者一起验证的场景。实际意义:实际的贡献在于确定在Pharmaceutical Care上下文中的Lean Healthcare项目中要更改的行为。COM-B帮助识别了可能会妨碍大城市中PCPr效率的行为。