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Penalizing women’s fear: intimate partner violence and parental alienation in Canadian child custody cases
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09649069.2020.1701940
Elizabeth Sheehy 1 , Susan B. Boyd 2

ABSTRACT This paper explores Canadian family law cases involving claims of parental alienation and of family violence from 2014–2018, reporting the data on these claims, their resolution, and their impacts upon custody and access. A close reading of those cases where both alienation and intimate partner violence claims are made reveals troubling patterns in how intimate partner violence is discounted in this context. We suggest that the rise of shared parenting as a dominant norm assists in understanding why alienation has achieved such unquestioned status, and call for greater focus on safety and women’s and children’s voices.



摘要 本文探讨了 2014 年至 2018 年涉及父母异化和家庭暴力索赔的加拿大家庭法案件,报告了有关这些索赔的数据、解决方案及其对监护权和探视权的影响。仔细阅读那些同时提出疏远和亲密伴侣暴力索赔的案例,就会发现在这种情况下亲密伴侣暴力如何被忽视的令人不安的模式。我们建议,共同养育作为一种主导规范的兴起有助于理解为什么异化已达到如此毋庸置疑的地位,并呼吁更多地关注安全以及妇女和儿童的声音。