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Democracy in a Singapore Prison, 1825-1873
Journal of Prison Education and Reentry ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-02-27 , DOI: 10.15845/jper.v4i1.1185
Thom Gehring

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The British acquired Singapore in 1825, and used it, in part, as a penal colony for convicts transported from India—much as they used Australia as penal colonies for convicts transported from England. The ticket-of-leave system (parole) was used to regulate prison routines. Prisoners who earned marks for good behavior would be released early. That system was later named reformatory prison discipline. (McNair, J.R.A., and Bayliss, W.D. [1899]. Prisoners Their Own Warders: A Record of the Convict Prison at Singapore in the Straits Settlements Established 1825, Discontinued 1873, Together with a cursory history of the Convict Establishment at Bencoolen, Penang and Malacca from the Year 1797. Westminister, England: Archibald Constable and Co., p. 5). The authorities had some discretion regarding sentences and punishments, so they established various classes of prisoners, subject a range of parole sanctions. A few of the convicts were deemed ready for immediate parole. (McNair and Bayliss, 1899, p. 14). Some of the officers (warders) were civilian employees, but “an attempt was. . . made to enlist the services of well-trained convicts to oversee their fellow-prisoners;” prison regulations were revised accordingly (McNair and Bayliss, 1899, p. 19).



除非另有说明,否则本网站上的内容均根据知识共享署名4.0国际许可进行许可。英国人于1825年收购了新加坡,并将其部分用作从印度运来的定罪犯的刑事殖民地-就像他们将澳大利亚用作从英格兰运来的定罪犯的刑事殖民地一样。假票制度(假释)被用来规范监狱的日常工作。因行为良好而获得成绩的囚犯将提早释放。该系统后来被命名为监禁监狱学科。(McNair,JRA和Bayliss,WD [1899]。囚犯自己的看守人:在1825年建立的海峡殖民地中在新加坡定罪的监狱的记录,于1873年停产,以及在明古连,槟城和槟城的定罪犯建立的粗略历史1797年的马六甲。英格兰威斯敏斯特:阿奇博尔德·康斯特布尔(Archibald Constable and Co.),第16页。5)。当局对刑罚有一定的酌处权,因此他们建立了各种类别的囚犯,受到一系列假释制裁。一些罪犯被认为可以立即假释。(McNair和Bayliss,1899年,第14页)。一些军官(文职人员)是文职人员,但“有尝试。。。要求受过良好训练的罪犯提供服务以监督他们的囚犯;” 监狱法规也作了相应的修订(McNair和Bayliss,1899年,第19页)。一些军官(文职人员)是文职人员,但“有尝试。。。要求受过良好训练的罪犯提供服务以监督他们的囚犯;” 监狱法规也作了相应的修订(McNair和Bayliss,1899年,第19页)。一些军官(文职人员)是文职人员,但“有尝试。。。要求受过良好训练的罪犯提供服务以监督他们的囚犯;” 监狱法规也作了相应的修订(McNair和Bayliss,1899年,第19页)。