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Gail Jones’s “The Ocean” (2013) and A Guide to Berlin (2015): A literary challenge to asylum seekers’ precarity
Journal of Postcolonial Writing Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1080/17449855.2020.1771913
Pilar Royo Grasa 1

ABSTRACT Gail Jones’s fiction has received major critical attention due to its engagement with trauma, memory, modernity, the visual arts, and the Australian process of Reconciliation. This article seeks to extend the focus of research on Jones’s work by looking at her little-discussed representation of forced migration. For this purpose, it examines how Jones’s 2013 short story “The Ocean” and 2015 novel A Guide to Berlin respectively tackle the 2001 refugee Tampa affair and the 2013 Lampedusa refugee tragedy. It first offers an overview of the precarity suffered by contemporary asylum seekers and refugees and how this has been explored and fictionalized by contemporary writers. It then analyses and discusses the main narrative and stylistic strategies that Jones uses in order to represent the ties that bind together refugees and non-refugees in mutually dependent relationships, which challenge Australian and European governments’ fostered xenophobia aimed at tightening border controls.


盖尔·琼斯的“海洋”(2013 年)和柏林指南(2015 年):对寻求庇护者不稳定的文学挑战

摘要 盖尔·琼斯 (Gail Jones) 的小说因其对创伤、记忆、现代性、视觉艺术和澳大利亚和解进程的参与而受到了极大的关注。本文试图通过研究琼斯鲜为人知的强迫迁移表现来扩展对琼斯作品的研究重点。为此,它考察了琼斯 2013 年的短篇小说《海洋》和 2015 年的小说《柏林指南》如何分别处理 2001 年坦帕难民事件和 2013 年兰佩杜萨难民悲剧。它首先概述了当代寻求庇护者和难民所遭受的不稳定,以及当代作家如何探索和虚构这一点。