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THE MANSON FAMILY ON FILM AND TELEVISION By Ian Cooper. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. 213 pp. $39.95 paper.
Journal of Popular Film and Television ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/01956051.2019.1642721
Michael McKenna 1

“for feminist filmmakers, auto/biography is always a political act, precarious and contingent, both singular and general” (124). Chapter five starts with a note that Derrida never produced a systematic examination of a filmic text, and the closest he approached writing about cinema is in his comments about a photonovel. This is perhaps the best chapter in this excellent book, as it turns its gaze to what Derrida can possibly offer to feminist film criticism, and it undertakes the problem of representation and develops a theory of metonymic reading. Derrida “cannot see queerly,” Dillon tells us (138), but he does suggest a method of “metonymic reading” which Dillon herself successfully uses in her study. Deconstruction, Feminism, Film is brilliantly argued and refreshingly feminist. It is highly recommended to all film-studies scholars interested in the philosophical dimensions of the film, especially in the female spectator position and its feminist deconstruction.


电影和电视上的曼森家族,作者:伊恩·库珀(Ian Cooper)。杰斐逊,北卡罗来纳州:麦克法兰,2018年.213页,39.95美元。
