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The case for constructionist, longitudinal and ethnographic approaches to understanding event experiences
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-27 , DOI: 10.1080/19407963.2020.1718340
Karen Davies 1 , Dewi Jaimangal-Jones 1


This paper argues that to really understand the complexities of event experiences and their meaning, we need to gather rich data, on a longitudinal basis. It demonstrates how ethnographic and constructionist approaches assist in understanding event experiences in relation to the cultural context, symbolic nature, and ritualistic aspects of the event and the corresponding impacts on participants. It considers how spending time immersed in the culture of the event and observing with a wide angle lens, using photographic evidence to capture, recall and discuss experiences, provides for a depth of data beyond the realms of quantitative data collection. The paper presents research undertaken at the case of Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod into experiences by event attendees and volunteers in relation to the specific aspect of intercultural communication and exchange. The findings provided rich and meaningful data on individual experiences at the case study event from which to provide recommendations for organisers on how this aspect of the event can be enhanced and improved. The results underline and demonstrate the effectiveness of longitudinal, constructionist and ethnographic methodological approaches in understanding event experiences, and their credibility and generalisability moving into the future.




本文认为,要真正了解事件体验的复杂性及其含义,我们需要纵向收集丰富的数据。它展示了人种学和建构主义的方法如何帮助理解与事件的文化背景,符号性质和礼节方面以及对参与者的相应影响相关的事件体验。它考虑了如何将时间花费在事件的文化中并用广角镜观察,使用摄影证据来捕捉,回忆和讨论经验,从而提供了超出定量数据收集范围的数据深度。本文介绍了在兰戈伦国际音乐学院(Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod)案中,参加者和志愿者在跨文化交流和交流的特定方面的经验。调查结果为案例研究活动中的个人经验提供了丰富而有意义的数据,从中可以为组织者提供有关如何增强和改进事件这一方面的建议。结果强调并证明了纵向,建构主义和人种学方法论方法在理解事件体验以及它们在未来的可信度和普遍性方面的有效性。调查结果为案例研究活动中的个人经验提供了丰富而有意义的数据,从中可以为组织者提供有关如何增强和改进事件这一方面的建议。结果强调并证明了纵向,建构主义和人种学方法论方法在理解事件体验以及它们在未来的可信度和通用性方面的有效性。调查结果为案例研究活动中的个人经验提供了丰富而有意义的数据,从中可以为组织者提供有关如何增强和改进事件这一方面的建议。结果强调并证明了纵向,建构主义和人种学方法论方法在理解事件体验以及它们在未来的可信度和通用性方面的有效性。
