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Note from the incoming Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08853134.2020.1727191
Nick Lee 1

It is a great honor to be asked to take of the editorship of JPSSM from 2020–2023. In many ways, JPSSM has been perhaps the most important influence on my academic career. As a doctoral student (1998–2002), I was one of the few at the time in the UK studying sales, and JPSSM was certainly the key journal. Not many UK authors had published in JPSSM at that time, and the field as a whole seemed highly US-centric. While many UK and European academics were studying B2B networks and relationships or KAM, the selling and sales management work I was reading was almost all in JPSSM and similar US-based journals. I submitted my first ever paper to JPSSM in 2000, when I was an early-stage doctoral student. Like many of my papers since, it was rejected! I still have that first letter somewhere. Ever the optimist, I submitted a new version of the paper a few years later to JPSSM while Greg Marshall was the Editor. I was rejected again, which was quite disappointing (understatement... ). However, the rejection letter I got from Greg turned out to be one of the formative influences on my career. Specifically, it was so kindly worded that I simply had to seek out Greg at my first AMA conference to meet him. That meeting started what became both a strong friendship, and also a hugely valuable professional relationship which was really the major entry point I had into the international field. A few years later at an NCSM conference where Greg had invited me to speak on a panel, I pitched an idea for a methodology-focused section of JPSSM to Mike Ahearne, then-Editor-in-Chief. That section seems to have developed fairly nicely over the last 8 years or so, and we continue to be interested in such papers (see Lee and Ahearne 2012 for advice on submitting to that section). Because of that connection over JPSSM at NCSM, I spent part of 2012 in Houston with Mike on a sabbatical from my position in the UK, which again was a huge influence on my career. So, it’s not too much to say that without JPSSM, I probably wouldn’t have a career that looks like it does! OK, it’s not like I’d be studying CB or anything, but I think you can see the point. So, while I am extremely proud to serve and represent JPSSM for the next few years as EIC, I am also very humbled, and I feel a great responsibility to serve as effectively as those who have gone before me. I have taken on this role from Doug Hughes (University of South Florida), who served JPSSM with great distinction from 2017–2020. Over the last few years, Doug and those who served before him have led JPSSM through a period of major progress, creating a fantastic positive trajectory for me to continue. JPSSM continues to build its academic impact, as evidenced by its increasing CiteScore trend, which is a lot to do with the great initiatives introduced by the journal. We have a set of great ongoing sections, including those focused on methods, on challenging boundaries, and on reflections of our greatest thought leaders in sales. JPSSM has reduced its review time to around 40 days, even with a healthy increase in submissions and articles published per issue, and has increased its efforts on external promotion and dissemination of the work the journal publishes. JPSSM is on a genuine upward trajectory, and I firmly believe it is the preeminent place to publish your work on selling and sales management, and to become part of the conversation in the field. While it was a real pleasure to work with Doug as AE for the last couple of years, it is also exciting to start working with Adam Rapp (Ohio University), who comes on board as AE. We have a number of exciting plans for the journal over the coming few years, and we will detail them in upcoming editorials. However, I’d also like to emphasize that we have no plans to change or discontinue any of the initiatives started by Doug, and in fact hope to build on them. In particular, we are keen to continue Doug’s The Boundary section, which encourages papers challenging the boundary conditions of our knowledge. The first of these papers was published in the last issue (Childs et al. 2019), and we’re enthusiastic to see more. Details of our ongoing calls for papers for this and our methodology section (as well as active special issue calls) can be found on the JPSSM website. We are going to pay special attention to diffusion of the work published in JPSSM to our academic and practitioner audiences, and we have a number of great ideas for the dissemination of papers from JPSSM. I’m excited to move forwards on those in 2020. The research we are publishing in JPSSM has significant implications for the practice of selling and sales management, and I’d like to see our work disseminated and used much more widely in practice. With these plans in mind, I am delighted to work with Jessica Ogilvie (Marquette University), who covers the research dissemination and executive summary aspect of the journal, along with Dawn Deeter-Schmelz (Kansas State University), who handles the selling and sales management abstracts, and Valerie Good (Michigan State University) who is continuing as Managing Editor (much to my relief). Selling and sales management as a research field looks very different from a decade ago. Back then, a major concern was the lack of representation for sales research in the highest-ranked marketing journals, making sales feel like a



很荣幸被邀请担任 JPSSM 2020-2023 年的编辑。在许多方面,JPSSM 可能对我的学术生涯产生了最重要的影响。作为博士生(1998-2002),我是当时在英国学习销售的少数人之一,JPSSM当然是重点期刊。当时在 JPSSM 上发表文章的英国作者并不多,整个领域似乎高度以美国为中心。虽然许多英国和欧洲学者正在研究 B2B 网络和关系或 KAM,但我阅读的销售和销售管理工作几乎都在 JPSSM 和类似的美国期刊上。我在 2000 年向 JPSSM 提交了我的第一篇论文,当时我还是一名早期博士生。就像我此后的许多论文一样,它被拒绝了!我仍然在某处保存着第一个字母。曾经的乐观主义者,几年后,当 Greg Marshall 担任编辑时,我向 JPSSM 提交了该论文的新版本。我再次被拒绝,这很令人失望(轻描淡写......)。然而,我从格雷格那里收到的拒绝信证明是对我职业生涯的形成性影响之一。具体来说,它的措辞非常友好,以至于我不得不在我的第一次 AMA 会议上找到 Greg 来见他。那次会面开始了我结交的深厚友谊,以及非常宝贵的专业关系,这确实是我进入国际领域的主要切入点。几年后,在一次 NCSM 会议上,Greg 邀请我在一个小组上发言,我向当时的主编 Mike Ahearne 提出了一个关于 JPSSM 以方法论为重点的部分的想法。在过去 8 年左右的时间里,该部分似乎发展得相当好,我们继续对此类论文感兴趣(请参阅 Lee 和 Ahearne 2012 以获取有关提交该部分的建议)。由于在 NCSM 与 JPSSM 的联系,我在休斯敦度过了 2012 年的一部分时间,我在英国的职位上与迈克一起休假,这再次对我的职业生涯产生了巨大影响。所以,如果没有 JPSSM,我可能不会有这样的职业生涯并不过分!好吧,这不像我会学习 CB 或任何东西,但我认为你能明白这一点。因此,虽然我为在未来几年作为 EIC 服务和代表 JPSSM 感到非常自豪,但我也非常谦卑,我感到有很大的责任像我之前的那些人一样有效地服务。我从 Doug Hughes(南佛罗里达大学)担任这个角色,他在 2017-2020 年期间以优异的成绩为 JPSSM 服务。过去几年来,道格和在他之前任职的人带领 JPSSM 度过了一段重大进步时期,为我创造了一个梦幻般的积极发展轨迹。JPSSM 继续建立其学术影响力,其不断增长的 CiteScore 趋势证明了这一点,这与该期刊推出的重大举措有很大关系。我们有一组很棒的正在进行的部分,包括那些专注于方法、具有挑战性的边界以及我们最伟大的销售思想领袖的思考的部分。JPSSM 已将其审稿时间缩短至 40 天左右,即使每期提交的论文和发表的文章数量在健康增长,并加大了对期刊发表作品的外部推广和传播的力度。JPSSM 正处于真正的上升轨道上,我坚信这是发表您在销售和销售管理方面的工作并成为该领域对话的一部分的绝佳场所。虽然在过去的几年里与 Doug 作为 AE 一起工作真的很愉快,但与 Adam Rapp(俄亥俄大学)一起工作也很令人兴奋,他作为 AE 加入。在接下来的几年里,我们为该杂志制定了许多令人兴奋的计划,我们将在即将发布的社论中详细介绍。但是,我还想强调,我们没有计划改变或停止 Doug 发起的任何举措,实际上希望在这些举措的基础上再接再厉。特别是,我们热衷于继续道格的边界部分,它鼓励论文挑战我们知识的边界条件。这些论文中的第一篇发表在上一期(Childs et al. 2019),我们很想看到更多。可以在 JPSSM 网站上找到我们正在进行的论文征集和我们的方法部分(以及活跃的特刊征集)的详细信息。我们将特别关注在 JPSSM 上发表的作品向我们的学术和从业者受众的传播,我们有许多关于 JPSSM 论文传播的好主意。我很高兴能够在 2020 年取得进展。我们在 JPSSM 上发表的研究对销售和销售管理实践具有重要意义,我希望看到我们的工作在实践中得到更广泛的传播和使用。考虑到这些计划,我很高兴与 Jessica Ogilvie(马凯特大学)合作,她负责期刊的研究传播和执行摘要方面的工作,以及处理销售和销售管理摘要的 Dawn Deeter-Schmelz(堪萨斯州立大学)和继续担任总编辑的 Valerie Good(密歇根州立大学)(让我大为欣慰)。销售和销售管理作为一个研究领域看起来与十年前大不相同。当时,一个主要的问题是在排名最高的营销期刊中缺乏销售研究的代表性,使销售感觉像是