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Positive peace in schools
Journal of Peace Education ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17400201.2019.1573567
John Synott 1

viewpoints. For example, the female peddler from Wisma Atlit who reopened trading between the people of Mardika and Batu Merah or the health worker who distributed aid to refugees from all religious backgrounds. The process of compiling history brings about hope, renewal, openness and aims at regaining the humanitarian heritage of ‘basudara’ which has been swallowed by the vicious appetite of unfeeling ruthlessness. Experiences in Maluku can become a mirror into which we can look for lessons in preventing violent conflict and strengthening peace in other parts of the world. For those of us who do not live in areas of violent conflict, our experience of war is via the media – in stark newspaper headlines and conflict reporting, in Twitter timelines and blogs, in magazines and television images and in the sounds of voices and gunfire on the radio. But still the coverage we consume shapes our collective understanding of what can be done – what should be done. Stories can influence peace processes, sway the escalation or reduction of conflict, and undermine – or enhance – the confidence, trust and expectations of the parties involved. Stories have real power. Basudara Stories of Peace from Maluku asks us all to think about how we deploy it. Basudara Stories of Peace from Maluku is affecting, instructive with an emancipatory intent and sheds a unique light on the world of Indonesia’s Maluku Islands. The contributors of the book speak from their consciences, from myriad cultural, religious, humanitarian and nationalistic dimensions, telling stories filled with indignation, tears, sadness and regret. All of the personal stories in this book have been conveyed with amazing honesty. Careful editorial work has ensured a smooth dovetailing of the contributions so that the book is more than simply the sum of its parts. This book offers a panoramic and creative view of how stories can be used as a vehicle of peace education and therein lies the pedagogical genius of this volume: it practices what it preaches. In offering such a wide conceptual view; the volume simultaneously challenges you to engage its text critically and to subsequently embark upon an expedition to seek out further answers.



观点。例如,来自 Wisma Atlit 的女小贩重新开始了 Mardika 和 Batu Merah 之间的贸易,或者向来自所有宗教背景的难民分发援助的卫生工作者。编纂历史的过程带来了希望、更新、开放,旨在重新获得被无情无情的恶性胃口吞噬的“basudara”的人道主义遗产。在马鲁古的经历可以成为一面镜子,我们可以从中汲取教训,防止世界其他地区的暴力冲突和加强和平。对于我们这些没有生活在暴力冲突地区的人来说,我们的战争经历是通过媒体——在鲜明的报纸头条和冲突报道、推特时间线和博客、杂志和电视图像以及声音和枪声中广播里。但我们消费的覆盖面仍然塑造了我们对可以做什么——应该做什么的集体理解。故事可以影响和平进程,影响冲突的升级或减少,并削弱或增强有关各方的信心、信任和期望。故事有真正的力量。来自马鲁古的 Basudara Stories of Peace 要求我们所有人思考如何部署它。来自马鲁古的 Basudara 和平故事具有解放意义,具有影响力和启发性,并为印度尼西亚马鲁古群岛的世界提供了独特的视角。这本书的撰稿人从他们的良心出发,从无数的文化、宗教、人道主义和民族主义维度出发,讲述充满愤慨、泪水、悲伤和遗憾的故事。本书中的所有个人故事都以惊人的诚实传达。仔细的编辑工作确保了贡献的顺利衔接,使这本书不仅仅是其各部分的总和。这本书提供了一个全景和创造性的观点,说明如何将故事用作和平教育的载体,这本书的教学天才就在于此:它实践了它所宣扬的东西。提供如此广泛的概念性观点;该卷同时挑战您批判性地参与其文本,并随后开始探索以寻求进一步的答案。提供如此广泛的概念性观点;该卷同时挑战您批判性地参与其文本,并随后开始探索以寻求进一步的答案。提供如此广泛的概念性观点;该卷同时挑战您批判性地参与其文本,并随后开始探索以寻求进一步的答案。