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Investigating Radical Deaths and the Cultures That Practiced Them: New AHRC Funded Research at the Institute of Archaeology
Archaeology International ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.5334/ai-398
Brenna R. Hassett 1 , David Wengrow 1 , Haluk Sağlamtimur 2

A new Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded project brings together multiple strands of investigation to probe the relationship between ritual, violence, and early state formation. David Wengrow and Brenna Hassett will coordinate an international team combining biomolecular analysis (stable isotopes, ancient DNA), bioarchaeology, and archaeology to examine a remarkable set of Early Bronze Age funerary deposits (c. 3100–2800 BC), excavated at the multi-period site of Basur Hoyuk, in South-eastern Turkey. They include evidence of extraordinary wealth combined with radically new cultural practices, such as mass death pits and burials of retainers or other human victims. Such findings add to a growing body of archaeological data from the Middle East, which is now prompting researchers to rethink key aspects of social and political change at the start of the Bronze Age.



一个新的由艺术与人文研究委员会(AHRC)资助的项目汇集了多方面的调查,以探讨仪式,暴力与早期国家形成之间的关系。David Wengrow和Brenna Hassett将协调一个国际团队,将生物分子分析(稳定的同位素,古代DNA),生物考古学和考古学结合起来,研究一组在多处发掘的早期青铜时代的重要遗迹(约3100–2800年)。土耳其东南部的Basur Hoyuk时期遗址。其中包括非凡的财富,再加上全新的文化习俗,例如大规模的死亡矿坑和埋葬固定人或其他人类受害者的证据。这些发现增加了来自中东的考古数据,