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Urbanism East of the Aral Sea: The Medieval City of Kuik-Mardan, Kazakhstan
Archaeology International ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-12 , DOI: 10.5334/ai.1911
Giles Dawkes 1 , Gaygysyz Jorayev 1 , Odile Rouard 1

Since 2011, the Centre for Applied Archaeology (UCL), together with a local Kazakh archaeological company (Archaeological Expertise) and the Margulan Institute of Archaeology of Kazakhstan, have been undertaking the Silk Road Cities of Kazakhstan Project in the south of the country. For the past two years, attention has been focused on the city of Kuik-Mardan, one of the largest of the seventy or so known cities in the Otrar oasis on the Syr-Darya river (Fig. 1). The oasis can be described as a hydraulic civilisation, in the sense that its existence depended entirely on the use and management of flood waters to irrigate an otherwise arid landscape (Macklin and Lewin 2015). In terms of scale and antiquity, it was akin to the other great river civilisations of the Old World, such as the Nile, Indus and Euphrates. However, unlike these more famous rivers, the history of the Syr-Darya cities is almost completely unknown in the West, and in this respect can be considered a ‘lost civilisation’ (Macklin pers. comm.). The most infamous episode in the long history of Otrar was the 1218 siege and subsequent massacre of its inhabitants by the Mongols. Enflamed by the murder of his trade delegation at Otrar, Chinggis Khan ordered Mongol armies west and in a brutal campaign of retribution, destroyed not only Otrar, but other major cities in the region, including Samarkand and Bukhara. This isolated incident had the profound effect of triggering the change in direction of Mongol expansion from east to west (Schwarz 1998). To this day, the siege of Otrar retains a key place in the Kazakh national consciousness and sense of identity, despite academic disputes about the scale of the actual destruction (for example, see Bustanov 2015). The Otrar oasis occupied a geographical niche: bounded by the Syr-Darya river and the Kyzyl-Kum desert to the south and the Karatau mountains to the north. For much of the medieval period this locale was an Centre for Applied Archaeology UCL Institute of Archaeology London WC1H 0PY, UK Corresponding author: Giles Dawkes (giles.dawkes@ucl.ac.uk) Kuik-Mardan Kazakhstan



自2011年以来,应用考古学中心(UCL)与当地的哈萨克斯坦考古公司(Archaeological Expertise)和哈萨克斯坦的Margulan考古学研究所合作,在该国南部开展了哈萨克斯坦的丝绸之路城市项目。在过去的两年中,人们一直将注意力集中在库伊克马尔丹市(Kuik-Mardan)上,该市是锡尔-达拉河Otrar绿洲中最大的七十座城市之一(图1)。从某种意义上说,绿洲的存在完全取决于洪水的使用和管理以灌溉原本干旱的景观(Macklin and Lewin 2015),绿洲可以说是一种水力文明。就规模和古代而言,它类似于旧世界的其他伟大河流文明,例如尼罗河,印度河和幼发拉底河。然而,与这些更为著名的河流不同,在西方,锡尔-达拉(Syr-Darya)城市的历史几乎是完全未知的,因此在这方面可以被视为“失落的文明”(Macklin pers。comm。)。在Otrar的悠久历史中,最臭名昭著的事件是1218年蒙古人围困并随后屠杀了其居民。成吉思汗因其在Otrar的贸易代表团被谋杀而发火,命令蒙古军队向西迁移,并进行残酷的报复行动,不仅摧毁了Otrar,而且还摧毁了该地区的其他主要城市,包括撒马尔罕和布哈拉。这一孤立的事件具有深远的影响,引发了蒙古从东到西扩张方向的改变(Schwarz 1998)。直到今天,对Otrar的包围仍在哈萨克族的民族意识和认同感中占据着重要位置,尽管对实际破坏的规模存在学术争议(例如,参见Bustanov 2015)。Otrar绿洲占据了一个地理上的利基市场:南部是Syr-Darya河和Kyzyl-Kum沙漠,北部是Karatau山脉。在中世纪的大部分时间里,该地区是英国伦敦大学伦敦分校考古研究所应用考古学中心WC1H 0PY,英国通讯作者:Giles Dawkes(giles.dawkes@ucl.ac.uk)哈伊克·马丹