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The Building Bridges Research Project at the London Science Museum:  Using An Ethnographic Approach with Under-Represented Visitor Groups
Archaeology International ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-14 , DOI: 10.5334/ai.356
Naomi Haywood

Introduction and Project Overview This research is based on the London Science Museum’s ‘Building Bridges’ programme, which consists of a structured sequence of activities for Year Seven secondary school pupils (aged 11–12) and their families. The overall programme aim is to provide links between science at school, at the Science Museum, and as part of every-day family life. The activities occur over the duration of one academic year, and take place at the Museum, at school and at home. They include professional development courses for teachers, outreach visits to schools, visits by school groups to the Science Museum, and a family event. The research presented here is a collaboration between the UCL Institute of Archaeology and the Science Museum, and focuses on families from under-represented visitor groups whose child members are part of the ‘Building Bridges’ programme. Previous insights have highlighted that families visiting the Science Museum come from a narrow demographic profile, with those from minority ethnic backgrounds and from low socio-economic statuses consistently being under-represented (DBIS 2014). The research focus on under-represented visitors is important as the Science Museum seeks to inspire, engage and motivate the widest possible audience about science (NMSI 2009). The limited existing research on underrepresented visitors, including families, has taken a predominantly museum-centred approach which often focuses on what families lack as a way to explain why they do not visit museums (Dawson 2014). Instead, this study takes a family-centred approach and focuses on the ‘hidden’ resources families have and how the Museum can tap into these. Indeed, findings from this research reveal the range of activities that families participate in, and the interests and aspirations that they have.



简介和项目概述这项研究基于伦敦科学博物馆的“建筑桥梁”计划,该计划包括针对七年级中学生(11至12岁)及其家庭的一系列结构化活动。总体计划的目的是在学校,科学馆以及家庭日常生活中提供科学联系。这些活动持续一学年,并在博物馆,学校和家里进行。其中包括针对教师的专业发展课程,对学校的外展访问,学校团体对科学博物馆的访问以及家庭活动。这里介绍的研究是UCL考古学院与科学博物馆之间的合作,并关注来自代表性不足的访客群体的家庭,其子女是“建筑桥梁”计划的一部分。先前的见解突出表明,参观科学馆的家庭人口分布狭narrow,来自少数民族背景和社会经济地位低下的家庭人数始终不足(DBIS 2014)。由于科学博物馆试图激发,吸引和激发尽可能多的科学读者,因此针对人数不足的游客的研究重点非常重要(NMSI 2009)。现有的针对人数不足的游客(包括家庭)的研究有限,采取了以博物馆为中心的方法,该方法通常侧重于家庭缺乏的东西,以解释为什么他们不参观博物馆的原因(Dawson 2014)。代替,这项研究采取以家庭为中心的方法,重点关注家庭拥有的“隐藏”资源以及博物馆如何利用这些资源。确实,这项研究的结果揭示了家庭参与的活动范围以及他们的兴趣和愿望。