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A new front in the history wars? Responding to Rubenhold’s feminist revision of the Ripper
Criminology & Criminal Justice ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-05 , DOI: 10.1177/1748895821992460
Paul Bleakley 1

Hallie Rubenhold’s The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed By Jack the Ripper has drawn the criticism of the community of amateur sleuths dubbed ‘Ripperologists’ for its revisionist perspective, which claims that the canonical five victims of Jack the Ripper were not all sex workers. Rubenhold’s victim-centred approach has opened a new front in the history wars, as Ripperologists accuse her of historical denialism in pursuit of a feminist agenda. This article assesses Rubenhold’s methods, and her contribution to historical criminology, as well as considering why dominant historical narratives of crime prove so resistant to reinterpretation.



哈莉·鲁宾霍尔德(Hallie Rubenhold)的《五:被开膛手杰克杀害的妇女不为人知的生活》因其修正主义的观点而受到业余侦探社区的批评,该社区被称为“开膛手”,声称开膛手杰克的五个正统受害者并非全部是性别。工作人员。鲁宾霍尔德(Rubenhold)以受害者为中心的方法在历史战争中开辟了一条新战线,开膛手专家指责她为追求女性主义议程而进行历史否定主义。本文评估了鲁宾霍尔德的方法及其对历史犯罪学的贡献,并考虑了为何犯罪的主流历史叙述被证明对重新解释如此抗拒。
