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Modeling groundwater flow under chaotic urbanization constraints in Kinshasa Capital Region (D.R. Congo)
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2021.102985
Mulowayi Mubulayi Cedrick , Augustina Alexander , Joel Nobert , Clement N.U.D. Mbudi

Groundwater is used as an alternative source of drinking water in the chaotically urbanized African mega city of Kinshasa (DR Congo). However, groundwater abstraction without proper management leads to aquifers mining. The main objective of this study was to better understand the regional groundwater flow regime and to build a groundwater management tool for an area of 2187.36 km2 using Visual MODFLOW Flex. The model's input data were collected from various databases of national agencies and companies in charge of water engineering and management. Large scale steady-state and transient regional model was set up for the period 2000–2014, calibrated and validated to optimize groundwater development scenarios. The recharge in the area is estimated at an average of 236.21 mm/yr and is high in the southwest and less in paved areas and sandy-clayey soils in the east. The calibrated model had Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) coefficient of 0.9 and correlation coefficient of 0.98 and 0.96 for the steady-state and transient state, respectively. The accuracy of the calculated ground water levels was also judged by standard error of estimation which was 0.24 m and root mean squared of 16.8 m. The results for the three (3) scenarios from the baseline, which comprised increasing pumping rates by 10, 25 and 50%, indicated a further decrease in groundwater levels by 0.05m, 0.076m and 0.12 m, respectively. The modeled groundwater flow indicated that the flow direction for the whole study area is mainly from highlands towards lowlands, heading north, where the Congo River is located.



在混乱城市化的非洲大城市金沙萨(刚果民主共和国),地下水被用作饮用水的替代来源。但是,如果没有适当的管理,对地下水的开采将导致含水层的开采。这项研究的主要目的是为了更好地了解区域地下水流动状况,并为2187.36 km 2的面积建立地下水管理工具。使用Visual MODFLOW Flex。该模型的输入数据是从负责水工程和管理的国家机构和公司的各种数据库中收集的。建立了2000-2014年的大规模稳态和瞬态区域模型,并对其进行了校准和验证,以优化地下水开发方案。该地区的补给量估计平均为236.21毫米/年,西南地区较高,东部地区的铺装地区和沙质土壤中的补给量较低。校准后的模型的稳态和瞬态状态的纳什-萨克利夫效率(NSE)系数分别为0.9和0.98和0.96。还通过估计的标准误差0.24 m和均方根16.8 m来判断计算出的地下水位的准确性。从基线开始的三(3)个场景的结果包括抽水率分别提高了10%,25%和50%,表明地下水位分别进一步降低了0.05m,0.076m和0.12 m。地下水流模型表明,整个研究区的水流方向主要是从高地向低地,向北(刚果河所在的地方)。
