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Magnetorotational core collapse of possible GRB progenitors – III. Three-dimensional models
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-04 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab295
M Obergaulinger 1, 2 , M Á Aloy 1

We explore the influence of non-axisymmetric modes on the dynamics of the collapsed core of rotating, magnetized high-mass stars in three-dimensional simulations of a rapidly rotating star with an initial mass of $M_{\rm {\small ZAMS}} = 35 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot }$ endowed with four different pre-collapse configurations of the magnetic field, ranging from moderate to very strong field strength and including the field predicted by the stellar evolution model. The model with the weakest magnetic field achieves shock revival due to neutrino heating in a gain layer characterized by a large-scale, hydrodynamic m = 1 spiral mode. Later on, the growing magnetic field of the proto neutron star launches weak outflows into the early ejecta. Their orientation follows the evolution of the rotational axis of the proto neutron star, which starts to tilt from the original orientation due to the asymmetric accretion flows impinging on its surface. The models with stronger magnetization generate mildly relativistic, magnetically driven polar outflows propagating over a distance of 104 km within a few $100 \, \textrm {ms}$. These jets are stabilized against disruptive non-axisymmetric instabilities by their fast propagation and by the shear of their toroidal magnetic field. Within the simulation times of around $1 \, \textrm {s}$, the explosions reach moderate energies and the growth of the proto neutron star masses ceases at values substantially below the threshold for black hole formation, which, in combination with the high rotational energies, might suggest a possible later proto-magnetar activity.


可能的 GRB 前体的磁旋转核心坍塌 – III。三维模型

我们在初始质量为 $M_{\rm {\small ZAMS}} 的快速旋转恒星的三维模拟中探讨了非轴对称模式对旋转、磁化的大质量恒星塌缩核心动力学的影响。 = 35 \, \mathrm{M}_{\odot }$ 具有四种不同的坍缩前磁场配置,范围从中等到非常强的场强,包括恒星演化模型预测的场。具有最弱磁场的模型由于中微子加热在以大规模流体动力学 m = 1 螺旋模式为特征的增益层中实现了冲击恢复。后来,原中子星不断增长的磁场向早期喷射物发出微弱的外流。它们的方向遵循原中子星旋转轴的演变,由于不对称的吸积流撞击其表面,它开始从原始方向倾斜。具有更强磁化的模型会产生温和的相对论性、磁力驱动的极地外流,在 100 美元 \, \textrm {ms}$ 内传播超过 104 公里的距离。这些射流通过它们的快速传播和它们的环形磁场的剪切来稳定以对抗破坏性的非轴对称不稳定性。在大约 1 美元 \, \textrm {s}$ 的模拟时间内,爆炸达到中等能量,原中子星质量的增长在大大低于黑洞形成阈值的值处停止,这与高旋转能量,可能表明可能有后来的原磁星活动。