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High school students’ math and science gender stereotypes: relations with their STEM outcomes and socializers’ stereotypes
Social Psychology of Education ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s11218-021-09611-4
Christine R. Starr , Sandra D. Simpkins

This longitudinal study explores three research questions. First, what is the prevalence of math and science gender stereotypes among high school students, their parents, and teachers? Second, are parents’ and teachers’ gender stereotypes related to adolescents’ stereotypes? And third, are adolescents’ gender stereotypes associated with their math and science identity and outcomes? We used a nationally representative U.S. sample (N = 22,190, 50% girls, 53% White, 22% Latinx, 13% Black) of adolescents surveyed at 9th and 11th grade, their parents, and teachers. Adolescents’ transcripts were also collected at the end of high school. Adolescent gender stereotypes became significantly more traditional from 9 to 11th grade. Parents were three times more likely to believe that males are better at math/science (compared to believing females are better), and we found significant positive relations between parents’ and adolescents’ stereotypes. Finally, adolescents’ math/science gender stereotypes were significantly related to their math/science identity, which in turn was related to their STEM outcomes over the course of high school. Our findings give insight to the development of academic gender stereotypes in adolescence, their potential precursors, and their relations to academic outcomes.



这项纵向研究探讨了三个研究问题。首先,高中生,他们的父母和老师中数学和科学性别定型观念的流行程度是什么?第二,父母和老师的性别刻板印象是否与青少年的刻板印象有关?第三,青少年的性别定型观念是否与他们的数学和科学身份以及结果相关联?我们使用了具有国家代表性的美国样本(N =在9年级和11年级接受调查的青少年中,有22,190名,50%的女孩,53%的白人,22%的拉丁裔,13%的黑人,他们的父母和老师。高中结束时也收集了青少年的成绩单。从9年级到11年级,青少年的性别刻板印象变得更加传统。父母相信男性在数学/科学方面的能力比男性相信的能力高出三倍(相比,认为女性在数学/科学方面的能力更强),并且我们发现父母和青少年的刻板印象之间存在显着的正相关关系。最后,青少年的数学/科学性别刻板印象与他们的数学/科学身份显着相关,而这又与他们在高中阶段的STEM结果有关。我们的发现为洞悉青少年时期的学术性别定型观念,潜在的先驱,
