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Creating Positive Lived Experiences in Schools for International Relocatee Parents and Their Children
Early Childhood Education Journal ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10643-021-01161-w
Monica Miller Marsh , Lolagul Raimbekova

Children benefit from strong home–school relationships. Yet, parents who are immigrants and refugees are expected to follow frameworks for school involvement that are incongruent with their cultural backgrounds and experiences. Drawing on aspects of world-making (Kondo in World-making: Race, performance, and the work of creativity. Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 2018) and funds of knowledge (Moll et al. Theory Pract 31(2):132–141, 1992), this mixed-method case study explores how one group of international parents at a university laboratory school perceive their roles and responsibilities in the education of their young children. Data collection tools included a school-wide survey and semi-structured interviews distributed during two phases of data collection. Research findings indicate that this group of parents is highly invested in their children’s education. They see their responsibilities as supporting the teacher, reinforcing the curriculum, and helping their children understand that school practices can differ from those that occur in the home. Further, these parents seek deeper connections with faculty and staff and other parents to form stronger relationships. The majority of interviewees indicated that they would like to participate more fully in the life of the school but didn’t know how to do so, given their biographical experiences and within the current school structure.



儿童受益于牢固的家庭与学校的关系。但是,作为移民和难民的父母应遵守与他们的文化背景和经历不一致的学校参与框架。借鉴世界创造的各个方面(《近代世界创造:种族,表现和创造力》,杜克大学出版社,北卡罗来纳州达勒姆,2018年)和知识资金(莫尔等人的《理论实践》 31(2): 132–141,1992年),这种混合方法的案例研究探讨了大学实验学校中的一组国际父母如何看待自己在幼儿教育中的角色和责任。数据收集工具包括全校范围的调查和在数据收集的两个阶段分发的半结构化访谈。研究结果表明,这对父母对孩子的教育投入很高。他们认为自己的职责是支持老师,加强课程设置,并帮助他们的孩子了解学校的习俗可能不同于家庭中的习俗。此外,这些父母寻求与教职员工和其他父母建立更深的联系,以建立更牢固的关系。大多数受访者表示,他们希望更充分地参与学校的生活,但鉴于他们的传记经历和当前的学校结构,他们不知道如何参与。这些父母寻求与教职员工和其他父母建立更深的联系,以建立更牢固的关系。大多数受访者表示,他们希望更充分地参与学校的生活,但鉴于他们的传记经历和当前的学校结构,他们不知道如何参与。这些父母寻求与教职员工和其他父母建立更深的联系,以建立更牢固的关系。大多数受访者表示,他们希望更充分地参与学校的生活,但鉴于他们的传记经历和当前的学校结构,他们不知道如何参与。
