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Effects of phosphorus fertilizer application on phosphorus fractions in different organs of Cordia trichotoma
Journal of Forestry Research ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11676-020-01136-4
Matheus S. S. Kulmann , Lincon O. S. Stefanello , Raí A. Schwalbert , Álvaro L. P. Berghetti , Maristela M. Araujo , Rogerio Piccin , Luciano C. Gatiboni , Tales Tiecher , Paulo A. A. Ferreira , Gustavo Brunetto

The application of phosphorus (P) to soil can increase its availability to plants and alter P fractions in annual and perennial organs of Cordia trichotoma. If a portion of P accumulates in perennial organs in organic fractions it can be used in the next growth season, possibly decreasing plant dependence on P derived from soil fertilization. However, if P is preferentially accumulated in inorganic fractions in annual organs, plants will be more dependent on phosphate fertilization. This study aimed to evaluate the distribution of P fractions in organs of C. trichotoma grown on sandy soil treated with 120 and 360 kg P2O5 ha−1. The control was a zero application. After 24 months following fertilization, C. trichotoma seedlings were cut and separated into leaves, branches, stems and roots, dried, ground and subjected to chemical fractionation of P, which estimates fractions of total soluble P, soluble inorganic and organic P, lipid P, P associated ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid, and residual P. P in annual organs, as leaves, accumulated preferentially in the soluble inorganic fraction in both treatments. In perennial organs such as stems and branches, P accumulated preferentially in the soluble organic fraction. The application of 300% of the recommended dosage (360 kg P2O5 ha−1) promoted the accumulation of P in soluble organic fractions which may contribute to annual growth the following season and be a strategy to reduce the dependence of 2-year-old stands on soil-derived P and on fertilizers.



在土壤中施用磷(P)可以增加对植物的利用度,并改变毛滴虫Cordia trichotoma)一年生和多年生器官中P的含量。如果一部分磷以有机成分的形式累积在多年生器官中,则可以在下一个生长季节使用,这可能会降低植物对土壤肥力对磷的依赖性。但是,如果磷优先积累在一年生器官的无机部分中,则植物将更多地依赖于磷肥。本研究旨在评估在120和360 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1处理的沙质土壤中生长的毛滴虫器官中P组分的分布。该控件是零应用程序。受精后24个月,将毛滴虫幼苗切成叶子,树枝,茎和根,干燥,研磨并进行P的化学分馏,以估算总可溶性P,可溶性无机和有机P,脂质P,P相关核糖核酸和在两种处理中,脱氧核糖核酸和一年生器官中的残留P.P(如叶子)优先累积在可溶性无机部分中。在多年生器官如茎和枝中,P优先在可溶性有机部分中积累。推荐剂量的300%(360 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1)促进了磷在可溶性有机部分中的积累,这可能有助于下一季的年生长,并且是减少两岁幼林对土壤衍生的磷和肥料的依赖的一项策略。
