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Integrating evidence-based practices into early childhood mental health clinics: A dynamic approach to strengthening the resilience of children birth to five and families
Journal of Family Social Work Pub Date : 2020-03-14 , DOI: 10.1080/10522158.2019.1694345
Fatima Zahra Kadik 1 , Jaimie Shaff 1 , Janice Okeke 1 , Shirley Berger 1

ABSTRACT This paper describes a dynamic process of workforce development, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) within an early childhood mental health (ECMH) network serving children birth to five and their families. The key feature of an effective structure and multi-year process to train clinical service providers in evidence-based practices is the capacity building cycle: Assess, Select, Train, Evaluate. The New York City (NYC) ECMH network assessed the capacity and competencies of early childhood clinical practitioners and selected evidence-based practices and models that are: 1) appropriate for the birth to five population, 2) dyadic or family based, and 3) trauma-informed and/or strengths-based. We describe the evaluation, needs assessments, and best practices that support the effective use of evidence-based practices. It is important to flexibly respond to the needs of the community when selecting evidence-based practices, paying particular attention to equity issues. Considerations to note are that the few EBPs available for this birth to five population are costly, have a limited number of trainers, may not have a train-the-trainer model, and rarely have these EBPs been evaluated in multi-lingual or diverse U.S. communities. The success of implementing a multi-year cycle in NYC lies in having a funded training center closely linked to the workforce.



摘要本文介绍了一个动态的劳动力开发,实施和评估过程,该过程在为5个孩子及其家庭所生的幼儿期精神健康(ECMH)网络中的循证实践(EBP)中进行。以有效的结构和多年流程对临床服务提供者进行循证实践培训的关键特征是能力建设周期:评估,选择,培训,评估。纽约市(ECC)ECMH网络评估了幼儿临床医生的能力和胜任力,并选择了以下循证实践和模型:1)适合五人出生; 2)二元或家庭生育; 3)了解创伤和/或基于优势。我们描述评估,需求评估,以及支持有效使用循证实践的最佳实践。在选择循证实践时,灵活应对社区的需求非常重要,尤其要注意公平问题。需要注意的考虑因素是,可用于这五个人口的这种EBP很少,价格昂贵,培训师的数量有限,可能没有培训师的模型,并且很少在多语言或不同的美国对这些EBP进行过评估社区。在纽约市实施多年周期的成功在于拥有一个与员工紧密相关的受资助的培训中心。需要注意的考虑因素是,可容纳五个人口的这种EBP的价格昂贵,培训师的数量有限,可能没有培训师的模型,并且很少在多语种或美国进行过评估。社区。在纽约市实施多年周期的成功在于拥有一个与员工紧密相关的受资助的培训中心。需要注意的考虑因素是,可容纳五个人口的这种EBP的价格昂贵,培训师的数量有限,可能没有培训师的模型,并且很少在多语种或美国进行过评估。社区。在纽约市实施多年周期的成功在于拥有一个与员工紧密相关的受资助的培训中心。