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Journal of Family Social Work ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-20 , DOI: 10.1080/10522158.2019.1681203
Judith Siegel 1

The Journal of Family Social Work has a strong commitment to the wellbeing of children and families, and over the past few years has published papers and special issues that provided clinicians and administrators with emerging findings that challenge tradition and make way for new approaches. This combined issue continues in that vein, starting with an important paper on promoting black family resilience. In Leading with Racial Equity, author Tonya Bibbs highlights the importance of structural inequalities in the lives of Black families and the need for family centered policies that will counter marginalizing experiences. This includes the need for culturally competent services and organizations that are developed specifically to meet the needs of Black families. To highlight this important topic, this paper is followed by a commentary titled The Strength of Black Families, written by Ryana Anderson. In this commentary, Dr Anderson stresses the importance for researchers and clinicians to listen to the voices of Black urban parents and provide services that meet specific and wellarticulated needs. This final volume of 2019 also addresses other important areas of family well-being. In An Analysis of the Relationship between Parenting Selfefficacy, the Quality of Parenting and Parental and Child Emotional Health, authors Emily Hamovitzh, Mary Acri and Lindsay Bornheimer present the findings of a study of over 200 caregivers of children diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). The study was conducted with ethnically diverse and impoverished families and examined the self-appraisal of parents along with their ability to provide consistent discipline. An enhanced understand how parents provide caretaking is also explored by author Philip Heslop. In Foster Father Performing Gender, Heslop examined the way that foster parents negotiate and reproduce parenting roles. Building on the theoretical framework of Judith Butler, Heslop examined multiple and diverse masculinities and the range of ways that men care for children. Taking care of children is also examined by authors Christina Marsack and Jillian Graves, who studied the concerns of parents over the age of 50 who were raising an adult child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASPD). In “I worry about his future!” Challenges to Future Planning for



《家庭社会工作杂志》对儿童和家庭的福祉做出了坚定承诺,并且在过去几年中发表了论文和特别刊物,为临床医生和管理人员提供了新的发现,这些发现挑战了传统并为新方法铺平了道路。从有关促进黑人家庭适应力的重要论文开始,这个综合问题继续沿这一方向发展。作者托尼亚·比布斯(Tonya Bibbs)在《领导种族平等》中强调了黑人家庭生活中结构性不平等的重要性,以及需要采取以家庭为中心的政策来应对边缘化的经验。这包括需要具有文化背景的服务和专门为满足黑人家庭的需求而开发的组织。为了突出这个重要主题,紧随其后的是Ryana Anderson撰写的题为《黑人家庭的力量》的评论。在这篇评论中,安德森博士强调研究人员和临床医生听取黑人城市父母的声音并提供满足特定和明确要求的服务的重要性。2019年的最后一册还涉及家庭福祉的其他重要领域。在对育儿自我效能感,育儿质量与父母和儿童情绪健康之间的关系进行分析时,作者艾米丽·哈莫维奇,玛丽·阿克里斯和林赛·博恩海默发表了一项研究,对200多名被诊断患有反抗逆境症(ODD)的儿童进行照顾。 。该研究是针对不同种族和贫困的家庭进行的,研究了父母的自我评估以及他们提供一致纪律的能力。菲利普·赫斯洛普(Philip Heslop)也探索了对父母如何提供照料的进一步了解。在《养育父亲表演性别》中,赫斯洛普研究了养育父母谈判和重塑育儿角色的方式。在朱迪思·巴特勒(Judith Butler)的理论框架的基础上,赫斯洛普(Helslop)研究了多种多样的男性气概以及男人照顾儿童的方式。作者克里斯蒂娜·马萨克(Christina Marsack)和吉莉安·格雷夫斯(Jillian Graves)还研究了照顾儿童的问题,他们研究了抚养成年自闭症谱系障碍(ASPD)的50岁以上父母的关注。在“我担心他的未来!” 未来规划的挑战 菲利普·赫斯洛普(Philip Heslop)也探索了对父母如何提供照料的进一步了解。在《养育父亲表演性别》中,赫斯洛普研究了养育父母谈判和重塑育儿角色的方式。在朱迪思·巴特勒(Judith Butler)的理论框架的基础上,赫斯洛普(Helslop)研究了多种多样的男性气概以及男人照顾儿童的方式。作者克里斯蒂娜·马萨克(Christina Marsack)和吉莉安·格雷夫斯(Jillian Graves)还研究了照顾儿童的问题,他们研究了抚养成年自闭症谱系障碍(ASPD)的50岁以上父母的关注。在“我担心他的未来!” 未来规划的挑战 菲利普·赫斯洛普(Philip Heslop)也探索了对父母如何提供照料的进一步了解。在《养育父亲表演性别》中,赫斯洛普研究了养育父母谈判和重塑育儿角色的方式。在朱迪思·巴特勒(Judith Butler)的理论框架的基础上,赫斯洛普(Helslop)研究了多种多样的男性气概以及男人照顾儿童的方式。作者克里斯蒂娜·马萨克(Christina Marsack)和吉莉安·格雷夫斯(Jillian Graves)还研究了照顾儿童的问题,他们研究了抚养成年自闭症谱系障碍(ASPD)的50岁以上父母的关注。在“我担心他的未来!” 未来规划的挑战 在朱迪思·巴特勒(Judith Butler)的理论框架的基础上,赫斯洛普(Helslop)研究了多种多样的男性气概以及男人照顾儿童的方式。作者克里斯蒂娜·马萨克(Christina Marsack)和吉莉安·格雷夫斯(Jillian Graves)还研究了照顾儿童的问题,他们研究了抚养成年自闭症谱系障碍(ASPD)的50岁以上父母的关注。在“我担心他的未来!” 未来规划的挑战 在朱迪思·巴特勒(Judith Butler)的理论框架的基础上,赫斯洛普(Helslop)研究了多种多样的男性气概以及男人照顾儿童的方式。作者克里斯蒂娜·马萨克(Christina Marsack)和吉莉安·格雷夫斯(Jillian Graves)还研究了照顾儿童的问题,他们研究了抚养成年自闭症谱系障碍(ASPD)的50岁以上父母的关注。在“我担心他的未来!” 未来规划的挑战