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Journal of educational administration and history, editorial volume 51, issue 3
Journal of Educational Administration and History ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00220620.2019.1630896
Jane Wilkinson 1 , Jeffrey S. Brooks 2 , Amanda Heffernan 1

This current issue of Journal of Educational Administration and History captures the breadth and depth of scholarship in educational administration and illustrates the power that an historical lens can bring to the field. Our aims and scope for the journal state that ‘work that is comparative and socially critical and which addresses issues such as power, authority, ideals, principles, diversity and difference is especially welcome’. The articles in this current issue illustrate these goals. George Variyan’s article entitled ‘Teacher identity past and present: What can a genealogy of schooling tell us?’ employs a Foucauldian lens to provide a genealogical analysis of the evolution of teachers’ identities, drawing on a study of elite school teachers in contemporary Australia for its backdrop. In so doing, the author highlights the struggles between state and civic sphere over the control of schooling and the contingent nature of teacher identity. Most importantly, he suggests that little reckoning has been afforded to teachers’ agency within these social struggles. Fiona Longmuir’s article entitled, ‘Resistant leadership: Countering dominant paradigms in school improvement’ examines the resistant practices of an Australian principal employed at a time of crisis for a school under threat of closure. Rather than succumbing to familiar mantras of school improvement, the principal chose a very different and far more radical path. However, her paper is not a ‘turn-around’ anthem to individual school leaders. Rather it provides insights into how a range of factors including the principal’s practices, the context of the school and the broader policy environment combined to open up spaces for resistance to discourses of accountability and performativity. Izhak Berkovich and Ronit Bogler’s article, ‘DESCP factors: The ‘invisible’ impediments to reforms in education’ continue the theme of the less visible factors that impact education. Rather than focussing on educational success, they examine a poorly understood but crucial aspect of education – why reforms may fail. Drawing on case studies of educational reforms in Israel, they examine the influence of demographic, economic, social, cultural and political (DESCP) factors on reform success. In so doing, the article provides an ‘in-depth understanding of why factors in the action environment are as important as agentic players when aspiring to improve national education’. Carl Bagley and Sam Hillyard’s article, ‘In the field with two rural primary school head teachers in England’ provides a rich ethnographic study of a neglected aspect of educational administration, the experience of rural headship. Examining two contrasting rural primary schools and their communities, they employ Bourdieuian concepts of habitus and capital to understand the complex and shifting social spaces rural schools occupy in a neoliberal education system. We shift from the schooling sector to an historical mapping of higher education recruitment strategies and ideologies in ‘Higher education recruitment in the United States: A chronology of significant literature’ by Susan Adams-Johnson, Jeff Cranmore, Anna Holloway and Joel Wiley. As the authors rightly note, analysing the philosophies and perspectives that underpin these historical strategies and ideologies can provide a much needed insight into practices



本期《教育管理与历史杂志》捕捉了教育管理学术的广度和深度,并说明了历史镜头可以为该领域带来的力量。我们对期刊的目标和范围指出,“特别受欢迎的是具有比较性和社会批判性,并解决诸如权力、权威、理想、原则、多样性和差异等问题的工作”。本期文章阐述了这些目标。George Variyan 的文章题为“教师身份的过去和现在:学校教育的谱系可以告诉我们什么?” 采用福柯的视角,以对当代澳大利亚精英学校教师的研究为背景,对教师身份的演变进行谱系分析。这样做时,作者强调了国家和公民领域在对学校教育的控制和教师身份的偶然性方面的斗争。最重要的是,他认为在这些社会斗争中,教师的能动性几乎没有受到重视。Fiona Longmuir 题为“抗拒领导:对抗学校改进中的主导范式”的文章研究了一名澳大利亚校长在危机时期受雇于面临关闭威胁的学校的抗拒做法。校长并没有屈服于熟悉的学校改进咒语,而是选择了一条截然不同且更为激进的道路。然而,她的论文并不是对个别学校领导者的“扭转”颂歌。相反,它提供了对包括校长的实践在内的一系列因素如何的见解,学校的背景和更广泛的政策环境相结合,为抵制问责制和表演性话语开辟了空间。Izhak Berkovich 和 Ronit Bogler 的文章“DESCP 因素:教育改革的“隐形”障碍”延续了影响教育的不那么明显的因素这一主题。他们没有关注教育的成功,而是研究了教育的一个鲜为人知但至关重要的方面——为什么改革可能会失败。他们借鉴以色列教育改革的案例研究,考察了人口、经济、社会、文化和政治 (DESCP) 因素对改革成功的影响。在这样做的过程中,文章提供了“深入理解为什么在渴望改善国民教育时行动环境中的因素与代理人一样重要”。卡尔·巴格利 (Carl Bagley) 和山姆·希尔亚德 (Sam Hillyard) 的文章“在英格兰与两名农村小学校长一起工作”提供了丰富的人种学研究,涉及教育管理中被忽视的一个方面,即农村领导的经验。他们考察了两所对比鲜明的农村小学及其社区,运用布迪厄的惯习和资本概念来理解农村学校在新自由主义教育体系中所占据的复杂多变的社会空间。在 Susan Adams-Johnson、Jeff Cranmore、Anna Holloway 和 Joel Wiley 合着的“美国高等教育招聘:重要文献年表”中,我们从教育部门转向高等教育招聘策略和意识形态的历史地图。正如作者正确指出的那样,