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Patterns and paths towards privatisation in Ireland
Journal of Educational Administration and History Pub Date : 2019-11-13 , DOI: 10.1080/00220620.2019.1689104
Craig Skerritt 1 , Maija Salokangas 2

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the various ways privatisation processes affect Irish education. Due to the long history of considerable church involvement, the notable absence of middle tiers of governance, and more recently, the embrace of neoliberal principles, in large part due to and for economic reasons, the Irish education system represents a fascinating example of a complex interplay between the public and private sectors. The conceptual and analytical tools provided by Cultural Political Economy are used in this paper to highlight why and how privatisation has unfolded and might yet unravel further in Irish education. These tools offer a useful lens through which to examine country-specific developments, whilst locating them in the global picture. Utilising the conceptualisations offered by Cultural Political Economy, this paper demonstrates how different forms of privatisation in Ireland have contributed to what can be described as a complex system of governance with strong private involvement.



摘要 本文讨论了私有化进程影响爱尔兰教育的各种方式。由于教会大量参与的悠久历史、中间层治理的明显缺失,以及最近在很大程度上由于经济原因和出于经济原因而接受新自由主义原则,爱尔兰教育系统是一个复杂的例子。公共部门和私营部门之间的相互作用。本文使用文化政治经济学提供的概念和分析工具来强调私有化为何以及如何在爱尔兰教育中展开并可能进一步瓦解。这些工具提供了一个有用的视角,通过它可以检查特定国家的发展,同时将它们置于全球图景中。利用文化政治经济学提供的概念化,