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Greenland in the center: what happened when the Danish–Norwegian officials met English and Dutch whalers in Disko Bay, 1780–1820
Acta Borealia ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2016.1166336
Karen Oslund

ABSTRACT Between 1780 and 1820 crucial changes took place in the economic and cultural relationship between Denmark–Norway and its North Atlantic dependencies. In Greenland, the state imposed a stringent set of social and economic controls, at the same time when the restrictions on trade in Iceland and Northern Norway were relaxed. In 1776 the Royal Greenlandic Trading Company was established, but during the eighteenth century the waters around Greenland were a hub of international whaling trade as Dutch, American, and British ships came into contact with the Inuit, who were legally under Danish-Norwegian social regulation. This article uses records of Danish officials in Greenland and those of incidental observers to understand the disjuncture between the law of Denmark–Norway and the realities of Disko Bay. The officials contended with better equipped foreign ships, the Inuit desire to trade with these ships, and communication problems with the capital. This period is characterized by experimentation with different methods of production, contrasting strongly with the later nineteenth century, in which Danish–Greenlandic policy became more restrictive. By the nineteenth century international whaling trade had followed the declining whale stocks westward to the Canadian and American waters, so Denmark-Norway could impose these restrictions more easily.


中心的格陵兰岛:1780 年至 1820 年,丹麦-挪威官员在迪斯科湾遇到英国和荷兰捕鲸者时发生了什么

摘要 1780 年至 1820 年间,丹麦-挪威及其北大西洋属地之间的经济和文化关系发生了重大变化。在格陵兰,国家实施了一系列严格的社会和经济控制,同时放宽了对冰岛和挪威北部的贸易限制。1776 年,皇家格陵兰贸易公司成立,但在 18 世纪,随着荷兰、美国和英国船只与因纽特人接触,格陵兰岛周围水域成为国际捕鲸贸易的中心,因纽特人在法律上受丹麦-挪威社会监管. 本文使用格陵兰的丹麦官员和偶然观察者的记录来了解丹麦-挪威的法律与迪斯科湾的现实之间的脱节。官员们与装备更好的外国船只、因纽特人希望与这些船只进行贸易以及与首都的沟通问题作斗争。这一时期的特点是对不同生产方法的试验,与 19 世纪后期形成鲜明对比,丹麦-格陵兰政策变得更加严格。到 19 世纪,国际捕鲸贸易随着鲸鱼种群的减少而向西转移到加拿大和美国水域,因此丹麦-挪威可以更容易地实施这些限制。其中丹麦-格陵兰政策变得更加严格。到 19 世纪,国际捕鲸贸易随着鲸鱼种群的减少而向西转移到加拿大和美国水域,因此丹麦-挪威可以更容易地实施这些限制。其中丹麦-格陵兰政策变得更加严格。到 19 世纪,国际捕鲸贸易随着鲸鱼种群的减少而向西转移到加拿大和美国水域,因此丹麦-挪威可以更容易地实施这些限制。