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Petsamo: bringing modernity to Finland’s Arctic Ocean shore 1920–1939
Acta Borealia ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2016.1238177
Peter Stadius

ABSTRACT In the Peace Treaty of Tartu 1920 Finland was given a corridor to the Arctic Sea. This area of 10,000 km2 called Petsamo, was situated along the eastern side of the present Russo-Norwegian border. For many Finns Petsamo was seen as part of a Greater Finland expansionist ideology. Petsamo remained part of Finland until 1944, and during that time tourism was intensified to this new Arctic Ocean part of Finland. However, the most significant single project for bringing modernity and the young Republic of Finland to Petsamo was the Kolosjoki nickel mine. Kolosjoki was a piece in a larger international struggle for natural resources to be used for economic and political gains both in times of war and peace. The Kolosjoki mine can be compared with other similar mining communities in the Arctic and Siberia. When compared with the Soviet Russian Piramid mining community on Svalbard, differences in architectural style also become a signifier. The Kolosjoki mining village was built in a functionalistic style that was eagerly adopted by Scandinavia and Finland at that time. An Arctic dimension, connected explicitly to the Arctic Ocean presence of Finland at that time, is mostly lacking in later Finnish collective history culture.


Petsamo:1920 年至 1939 年为芬兰北冰洋海岸带来现代感

摘要 在 1920 年的塔尔图和平条约中,芬兰获得了一条通往北冰洋的走廊。这个 10,000 平方公里的区域被称为 Petsamo,位于现在的俄罗斯和挪威边界的东侧。对于许多芬兰人来说,Petsamo 被视为大芬兰扩张主义意识形态的一部分。Petsamo 一直是芬兰的一部分,直到 1944 年,在此期间,芬兰这个新的北冰洋地区的旅游业得到了加强。然而,将现代性和年轻的芬兰共和国带到佩察莫的最重要的单一项目是 Kolosjoki 镍矿。Kolosjoki 是一场更大的国际斗争中的一员,争取在战争和和平时期将自然资源用于经济和政治收益。Kolosjoki 矿可以与北极和西伯利亚的其他类似采矿社区进行比较。与斯瓦尔巴群岛上的苏俄金字塔采矿社区相比,建筑风格的差异也成为一个标志。Kolosjoki 矿村采用功能主义风格建造,当时斯堪的纳维亚半岛和芬兰热切采用这种风格。与当时芬兰在北冰洋的存在明确相关的北极维度,在后来的芬兰集体历史文化中大多缺乏。