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The art of governing and everyday resistance: “rationalization” of Sámi reindeer husbandry in Norway since the 1970s
Acta Borealia ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2017.1317981
Kathrine I. Johnsen , Tor A. Benjaminsen

ABSTRACT Since the late 1970s, a policy objective in Norway has been to rationalize Sámi reindeer husbandry. Among the government officials, there is, however, a concern that this objective has not been successfully met in West Finnmark due to “too many reindeer” and “too many pastoralists” degrading the pastures and jeopardizing the economy of pastoralism. Engaging with the concepts of “the art of governing” and “everyday resistance”, we examined the state rationalization programme. We identified four “techniques of power” used by the state to stimulate “rational” pastoral practices: discipline, neoliberal rationality, sovereign power, and truth. Based on in-depth interviews with pastoralists and government officials, observations, and written sources, we examined the public and hidden transcripts about rationalization. The analysis demonstrates how everyday forms of resistance are used by pastoralists to maintain control of their own livelihoods and practices. A common strategy is to partly adopt and partly avoid state regulations. Individual responses to the rationalization are determined by personal desires and capacity, as well as relationships to and the behaviour of fellow pastoralists. However, the governance of Sámi pastoralism since the 1970s affected power relations between the state and the pastoralists, as well as within the herding communities.


治理和日常抵抗的艺术:自 1970 年代以来挪威萨米驯鹿放牧的“合理化”

摘要 自 1970 年代后期以来,挪威的政策目标一直是使萨米驯鹿放牧合理化。然而,政府官员担心,由于“太多驯鹿”和“太多牧民”破坏了牧场并危及畜牧业经济,西芬马克未能成功实现这一目标。结合“治理艺术”和“日常抵抗”的概念,我们研究了国家合理化计划。我们确定了国家用来刺激“理性”牧民实践的四种“权力技术”:纪律、新自由主义理性、主权权力和真理。基于对牧民和政府官员的深入采访、观察和书面资料,我们检查了有关合理化的公开和隐藏的笔录。分析表明牧民如何利用日常形式的抵抗来维持对自己生计和做法的控制。一个常见的策略是部分采用和部分避免国家法规。个人对合理化的反应取决于个人的愿望和能力,以及与牧民同伴的关系和行为。然而,自 1970 年代以来萨米牧民的治理影响了国家与牧民之间以及牧民社区内部的权力关系。以及与其他牧民的关系和行为。然而,自 1970 年代以来萨米牧民的治理影响了国家与牧民之间以及牧民社区内部的权力关系。以及与其他牧民的关系和行为。然而,自 1970 年代以来萨米牧民的治理影响了国家与牧民之间以及牧民社区内部的权力关系。