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The dissolution of ancient Kvenland and the transformation of the Kvens as an ethnic group of people. On changing ethnic categorizations in communicative and collective memories
Acta Borealia ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2019.1681225
Lars Elenius 1

ABSTRACT The aim is to trace how the ethnonym Kven and the interrelated imagination of Kvenland changed over time in Nordic political discourse from the Viking Age to the mid-eighteenth century. In the negotiations over fixed borders between Sweden, Denmark and Russia, recognition of ethnic groups played an important political role in legitimating the territorial claims of the states. It brought the history of ethnic groups to the table and in the process made visible ethnonyms and names for provinces used previously. The continuity of the ethnonyms is investigated as a chronological chain of communicative and collective memory. The ethnonym and the territory of Kvenland were used by the Norwegians to maintain an ethnic boundary with the Finnish speakers in the upper Bothnian area. The names Kven and Kvenland were never used in Sweden. The investigation shows that the Kvens constituted a group of Finnish speaking people existing in continuity from the Viking Age. Their core territory was situated in the upper Gulf of Bothnia area. When this was integrated into the Swedish kingdom the inhabitants were designated Finns by the Swedes. The Finnish speakers in Tornedalen, thus, kept their linguistic and cultural continuity but lost their western Scandinavian ethnonym Kven.



摘要 目的是追溯从维京时代到 18 世纪中叶的北欧政治话语中,民族名 Kven 和 Kvenland 相互关联的想象是如何随时间变化的。在瑞典、丹麦和俄罗斯之间关于固定边界的谈判中,承认族裔群体在使国家的领土主张合法化方面发挥了重要的政治作用。它将族群的历史带到了桌面上,并在此过程中使以前使用的省的族名和名称变得可见。民族名的连续性被研究为交流和集体记忆的时间链。挪威人使用民族名和克文兰领土与上波的尼亚地区讲芬兰语的人保持民族边界。瑞典从未使用过 Kven 和 Kvenland 这两个名字。调查显示,克文人是一群从维京时代就延续下来的讲芬兰语的人。他们的核心领土位于波的尼亚湾上游地区。当这被纳入瑞典王国时,瑞典人将居民指定为芬兰人。因此,在 Tornedalen 讲芬兰语的人保持了他们的语言和文化连续性,但失去了他们的西部斯堪的纳维亚人种 Kven。