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Redirecting Our Communication Objectives
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10641734.2018.1513745
Don Schultz 1

We’ve known for decades that a chasm has existed between the professional or practitioner’s view of “advertising knowledge, practice, and application” and that of the academic or scholarly community. Practitioners have focused primarily on marketplace and/or financial end results. Those are the “whats” of advertising—that is, what was the result? Did the activity result in sales or returns on investments or product movement or the like? In short, economic results. Alternatively, academicians have been much more focused on understanding or learning the “whys” of advertising. Why or how were consumers influenced? Or not influenced—that is, did they simply ignore the advertising messages? Does repetition influence learning and the like? How do people acquire, take in, and process various forms of communication? In short, academicians are more interested in the “whys” of advertising than the “whats.” Simply put, practitioners are generally focused on an economic view of how advertising “works,” while academicians favor a psychological view. They seemingly should be connected, but in the world of the practitioner and the academician, they are not. Each is separate. Each is different. Each is unique. But both are legitimate lines of inquiry, depending on how one poses the “advertising” question. It’s just that in the world of the practitioner and the academician, they have been separated, seldom if ever to be combined. These two, almost polar opposite, views have been developing separately and independently for more than a century. Both parties continue to refine their research and findings into ever more infinitesimal and finite elements. More separation and differentiation. Rarely more accumulation or consolidation. More and more pieces and parts, few if any overall concepts or explanations. The “scientific method” seemingly run amuck. And both parties have learned to live with that approach ... or at least ignored the issues this separation creates. Clearly, advances in data capture and management, digitalization, and applications such as artificial intelligence, neural science, and a host of other emerging factors have upended many of the historical advertising concepts on both sides. And there seems to be nothing to replace them. Just the identification of more “pieces and parts.” No holistic views. No guiding principles. One can only wonder if the “twain” between advertising practitioners and academicians will ever meet. This special topics issue attempts to get at some of these basic issues, although at what seems to be to me at the “pieces and parts” level. Not at the more strategic holistic level that is needed. The questions being raised in this special issue of Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising (JCIRA) are not new, and unfortunately, they are not unique. But at least they recognize some of the issues. Just not the major ones. And until we start to work on those, closing the gap between academician and practitioner is not practical nor possible. In short, today we live in an increasingly transparent world of data and information. Ignoring issues is no longer practical or possible. Just because we have ignored this division between advertising practitioners’ and academicians’ thinking all this time doesn’t make it less relevant; it only shows how derelict all of us have


