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Moving beyond a donor-recipient relationship? Assessing the principle of partnership in the joint Africa–EU strategy
Journal of Contemporary African Studies ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02589001.2018.1541503
Karen Del Biondo 1

ABSTRACT The Joint Africa–EU Strategy (JAES, 2007), aimed to break with the traditional donor-recipient relationship between the EU and Africa and to develop a true partnership. This paper investigates whether the JAES has succeeded in this aim. Particularly, it focuses on the principle of equality, defined as a situation where the more powerful partner does not impose its will on the less powerful partner. Empirically, it investigates the thematic partnerships on peace and security and democratic governance and human rights. Based on a review of primary and secondary literature and 32 expert interviews, the paper argues that the EU has overall treated its African counterparts as equal partners in these thematic partnerships, namely by respecting ownership and jointly deciding on what to discuss in the partnership. Nonetheless, divergences based on differences in interests and values have in some cases led to the perception from African partners that the EU did not treat them as equals.



摘要 非洲-欧盟联合战略(JAES,2007 年)旨在打破欧盟与非洲之间传统的捐助者-接受者关系并发展真正的伙伴关系。本文调查了 JAES 是否成功实现了这一目标。特别是,它侧重于平等原则,平等原则被定义为一种情况,即实力较强的合作伙伴不会将自己的意愿强加于实力较弱的合作伙伴。从经验上讲,它调查了关于和平与安全以及民主治理和人权的专题伙伴关系。基于对一手和二手文献的回顾和 32 位专家访谈,本文认为欧盟在这些专题伙伴关系中总体上将其非洲同行视为平等的伙伴,即尊重所有权并共同决定在伙伴关系中讨论的内容。尽管如此,