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They think it’s all over. The face of victory on the British frontier
Journal of Conflict Archaeology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15740773.2016.1260817
David J. Breeze 1 , Iain Ferris 2

Abstract The re-conquest of southern Scotland by the army of the Emperor Antoninus Pius was a political act intended to secure his position on the throne. For this event, he took the acclamation ‘Conqueror’. His soldiers erected large stone slabs to mark their construction of the new frontier and decorated several with triumphal scenes. In these sculptures the soldiers portrayed themselves not only as victorious conquerors but also engineers and builders, celebrating not only the success of their emperor but their own community of soldiers.



摘要 安东尼·皮乌斯 (Antoninus Pius) 皇帝的军队重新征服苏格兰南部是一项旨在巩固其王位地位的政治行为。在这次活动中,他获得了“征服者”的赞誉。他的士兵们竖立了大石板以纪念他们对新边境的建设,并用凯旋的场景装饰了几块石板。在这些雕塑中,士兵们不仅将自己描绘成胜利的征服者,而且将自己描绘成工程师和建设者,不仅庆祝他们的皇帝的成功,还庆祝他们自己的士兵社区。