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The excavation of WWII RAF bomber, Halifax LV881-ZA-V
Journal of Conflict Archaeology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15740773.2017.1414423
Phil Marter 1 , Ronald Visser 2 , Pim Alders 2 , Christoph Röder 3 , Michael Gottwald 3 , Mirko Mank 4 , Steven Hubbard 3 , Udo Recker 5

Abstract This article outlines the preliminary results of archaeological fieldwork at the crash site of RAF Halifax bomber LV881-ZA-V and explores some of the challenges presented by the excavation of this military wartime crash site. The aircraft and her crew were shot down by a German night fighter in the early hours of 31 March 1944 during the infamous Nuremberg Raid. Four of her crew were killed and the remaining three were taken prisoner and later took part in the ‘Long March’. All three survived the war. An international team comprised of staff and students from Germany, the Netherlands, Finland and the UK explored what remained of the crash site, located on a hill outside the village of Steinheim, north east of Frankfurt in the German Federal State of Hesse.


二战英国皇家空军轰炸机哈利法克斯 LV881-ZA-V 的挖掘

摘要 本文概述了英国皇家空军哈利法克斯轰炸机 LV881-ZA-V 坠机现场考古现场工作的初步结果,并探讨了该军事战时坠机现场挖掘所面临的一些挑战。1944 年 3 月 31 日凌晨,在臭名昭著的纽伦堡突袭中,这架飞机及其机组人员被一架德国夜间战斗机击落。她的四名船员被杀,其余三人被俘,后来参加了“长征”。三人都在战争中幸存下来。一个由来自德国、荷兰、芬兰和英国的员工和学生组成的国际团队探索了位于德国黑森州法兰克福东北部 Steinheim 村外的一座小山上的坠机现场的遗迹。