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Non-standard Emotions and Aesthetic Understanding
Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.33134/eeja.211
Irene Martínez Marín

Winner of the Fabian Dorsch ESA Essay Prize. For cognitivist accounts of aesthetic appreciation, appreciation requires an agent (1) to perceptually respond to the relevant aesthetic features of an object o on good evidential grounds, (2) to have an autonomous grasp of the reasons that make the claim about the aesthetic features of o true by pointing out the connection between non-aesthetic features and the aesthetic features of o, (3) to be able to provide an explanation of why those features contribute to the overall aesthetic value of o. In this framework, aesthetic emotions have traditionally been confined to the level of aesthetic perception (1) and dismissed from the process of reason-giving (2, 3). I argue that this dismissal is due, firstly, to a questionable perceptual reading of the connection between emotional experience and value, and, secondly, to a narrow focus on the basic emotions. My argument will reveal that the non-standard or ‘intellectual’ emotions, the emotions which are in fact most important to appreciation, can play a significant epistemic role in our appreciative practices. They can do this because they (a) help us to deliberately focus our attention and (b) place the appreciator in a state of second-order awareness of their mental states. I conclude the paper by showing how these two epistemic tools (a, b) can help the appreciator to meet the explanatory/justificatory conditions (2) and (3).



Fabian Dorsch ESA散文奖获得者。对于审美欣赏的认知主义者的说明,欣赏要求代理人(1)在良好的证据基础上感知对象o的相关审美特征,(2)自主掌握提出有关审美特征的理由通过指出非美学特征与o的美学特征之间的联系来确定o的真性,(3)能够解释为什么这些特征有助于o的整体美学价值。在这种框架下,审美情感传统上被限制在审美观的水平(1),并从理性的过程中消除(2、3)。我认为,这种解雇首先是由于人们对情感体验与价值之间的联系存在可疑的理解,并且,其次,将注意力集中在基本情感上。我的论据将揭示,非标准或“智力”情感(实际上对欣赏最重要的情感)可以在我们的鉴赏实践中发挥重要的认识作用。他们之所以能够这样做,是因为他们(a)帮助我们故意将注意力集中在(b)使欣赏者处于对其精神状态的二阶意识状态。最后,本文通过展示这两种认知工具(a,b)如何帮助欣赏者满足解释性/合理性条件(2)和(3)来结束本文。他们之所以能够这样做,是因为他们(a)帮助我们故意将注意力集中在(b)使欣赏者处于对其精神状态的二阶意识状态。最后,本文通过展示这两种认知工具(a,b)如何帮助欣赏者满足解释性/合理性条件(2)和(3)来结束本文。他们之所以能够这样做,是因为他们(a)帮助我们故意将注意力集中在(b)使欣赏者处于对其精神状态的二阶意识状态。最后,本文通过展示这两种认知工具(a,b)如何帮助欣赏者满足解释性/合理性条件(2)和(3)来结束本文。