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Natan Zach’s Poetics of Erasure
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.7771/1481-4374.3712
Michael Gluzman

Natan Zach has often been described as the most influential Hebrew poet in the second half of the 20th century. Indeed, the scholar Dan Miron described him as a poet who had “reached the deepest part within us,” and as a “cultural leader” and “cultural hero.” Yet when Miron went on to detail Zach’s immense influence on other poets, he described his poetic legacy in exceedingly limiting formal terms such as “the use of enjambment” or “the magic of the unexpected rhyme, seemingly out of place.” Miron’s reading is symptomatic in the way it uses, indeed echoes, Zach’s own critical idiom. In this essay I will read Zach’s early volume Shirim shonim (Other poems) (1960) by focusing instead on what I term his “poetics of erasure.” For in these poems, Zach has left no evident traces of his own biography: his arrival as a young child in Palestine; his parents’ emotional breakdown following their immigration; and his own sense of homelessness in a Zionist culture that immersed itself in the “Negation of Exile.” In this manner, Zach's “escape from personality,” to use Eliot’s famous dictum, ultimately provided Israeli culture with a new modality of mourning. For in a national culture that repressed exilic languages and inhibited expressions of social suffering, Zach provided a new form of elegiac writing that had no explicit content, expressing a melancholic sense of loss thorough the breakage of poetic form. Michael Gluzman, "Natan Zach’s Poetics of Erasure” page 2 of 11 CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 22.1 (2020): Special Issue Poetry in Israel: Forging Identity. Ed. Chanita Goodblatt


纳坦·扎克(Natan Zach)的擦除诗学

纳坦·扎克(Natan Zach)通常被称为20世纪下半叶最有影响力的希伯来诗人。的确,学者丹·米龙(Dan Miron)将他描述为“已深入我们内心深处”的诗人,并且是“文化领袖”和“文化英雄”。然而,当米隆(Miron)继续详述扎克(Zach)对其他诗人的巨大影响时,他描述了他的诗意遗产,因为它极度地限制了正式用语,例如“使用束缚”或“意想不到的押韵的魔力,看似不合时宜”。Miron的阅读带有症状,实际上是在使用Zach自己的批判习语,与之相呼应。在本文中,我将重点关注扎克的早期擦除诗集《其他人的诗集》(Shirim shonim,《其他诗歌》,1960年)。因为在这些诗中,扎克(Zach)没有留下自己的传记的明显痕迹:他小时候来到巴勒斯坦;父母移民后情绪崩溃;以及他自己在沉浸于“流亡的否定”的犹太复国主义文化中的无家可归感。以这种方式,扎克使用埃利奥特著名的格言“摆脱人格”最终为以色列文化提供了一种新的哀悼形式。在一种压制流放语言并抑制社会苦难表达的民族文化中,扎克提供了一种新形式的挽歌,没有明显的内容,通过诗歌形式的破坏表达了忧郁的失落感。迈克尔·格鲁兹曼(Michael Gluzman),“纳坦·扎克(Natan Zach)的擦除诗论”,第2页,共11页CLCWeb:比较文学与文化22.1(2020):以这种方式,扎克使用艾略特著名的格言“逃避人格”,最终为以色列文化提供了一种新的哀悼形式。在一种压制流放语言并抑制社会苦难表达的民族文化中,扎克提供了一种新形式的挽歌,没有明显的内容,通过诗歌形式的破坏表达了忧郁的失落感。迈克尔·格鲁兹曼(Michael Gluzman),《纳坦·扎克的擦除诗论》,第11页,共2页CLCWeb:比较文学与文化22.1(2020):以这种方式,扎克使用艾略特著名的格言“逃避人格”,最终为以色列文化提供了一种新的哀悼形式。在一种压制流放语言并抑制社会苦难表达的民族文化中,扎克提供了一种新形式的挽歌,没有明显的内容,通过诗歌形式的破坏表达了忧郁的失落感。迈克尔·格鲁兹曼(Michael Gluzman),《纳坦·扎克的擦除诗论》,第11页,共2页CLCWeb:比较文学与文化22.1(2020):扎克(Zach)提供了一种新的挽歌写作形式,没有明显的内容,通过诗歌形式的破坏表达了忧郁的失落感。迈克尔·格鲁兹曼(Michael Gluzman),《纳坦·扎克的擦除诗论》,第11页,共2页CLCWeb:比较文学与文化22.1(2020):扎克(Zach)提供了一种新的挽歌写作形式,没有明显的内容,通过诗歌形式的破坏表达了忧郁的失落感。迈克尔·格鲁兹曼(Michael Gluzman),“纳坦·扎克(Natan Zach)的擦除诗论”,第2页,共11页CLCWeb:比较文学与文化22.1(2020):以色列特刊诗:伪造身份。埃德 查妮塔·古德布拉特(Chanita Goodblatt)