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Retro-Future in Post-Soviet Dystopia
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.7771/1481-4374.3179
Sergey Toymentsev

In his article “Retro-Future in Post-Soviet Dystopia” Sergey Toymentsev explores the vision of retrospective future in such Russian novels as Tatiana Tolstaya’s The Slynx, Vladimir Sorokin’s Day of the Oprichnik, Olga Slavnikova’s 2017, and Dmitry Bykov’s Zhd. Unlike Zamyatin’s and Platonov’s anti-Soviet satires, post-Soviet dystopias do not respond to any utopian narrative, but project the historical and ideological reality of Russia’s violent (predominantly Soviet) past into the future. Such a traumatic reenactment of the Soviet past in the dystopian future testifies to the rise of authoritarianism in contemporary Russia as well as its incomplete collective memory work regarding its Soviet legacy. Sergey Toymentsev, "Retro-Future in Post-Soviet Dystopia" page 2 of 10 CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 21.4 (2019): http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/clcweb/vol21/iss4/4



谢尔盖·玩具门捷夫(Sergey Toymentsev)在他的文章“后苏联反乌托邦的复古”中探讨了诸如塔蒂亚娜·托尔斯塔亚(Tatiana Tolstaya)的《斯林克斯》,弗拉基米尔·索罗金的《 OPrichnik日》,奥尔加·斯拉夫尼科娃(Olga Slavnikova)的2017年以及德米特里·科科夫(Dmitry Bykov)的Zhd等俄罗斯小说的回顾性未来。与Zamyatin和Platonov的反苏联讽刺作品不同,后苏联的反乌托邦不会对任何乌托邦式的叙事做出回应,而是将俄罗斯暴力(主要是苏维埃)的过去的历史和意识形态现实投射到未来。在反乌托邦的未来中,苏联历史的如此重演,证明了当代俄罗斯的威权主义的兴起,以及对苏联遗留下来的不完整的集体记忆工作。Sergey Toymentsev,“后苏联反乌托邦的复古未来”,第10页,共2页CLCWeb:比较文学与文化21.4(2019):http:// docs。