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Shakespeare's Henry VI and Depression
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-15 , DOI: 10.7771/1481-4374.3392
Cindy Chopoidalo

In her article "Shakespeare’s Henry VI and Depression,” Cindy Chopoidalo discusses Shakespeare’s Henry VI plays not only as his first significant explorations of the tragic consequences of war and the price of ambition, but also as his first major treatment of a character who, in both fiction and reality, suffered from what has sometimes been described as severe clinical depression and what would have been known in Shakespeare’s time as melancholy. In Shakespeare’s Henry VI, as well as in his historical inspiration, we see an early counterpart of his later characters who have been linked to melancholy or depression, such as Jaques and Hamlet. Examining the historical and literary character(s) of Henry VI in light of both contemporary and modern models of depression, melancholy, and related mental conditions allows us to trace an early Shakespearean treatment of melancholy and depression as well as the ways in which this character type has been codified in various periods of literary and medical history. Cindy Chopoidalo, "Shakespeare’s Henry VI and Depression" page 2 of 9 CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 20.5 (2018): Special Issue Voices of Life, Illness and Disabilities in Life Writing and Medical Narratives. Ed. I-Chun Wang, Jonathan Locke Hart, Cindy Chopoidalo, and David Porter



相关的心理状况使我们可以追溯到莎士比亚对忧郁症和抑郁症的早期治疗方法,以及在各种文学和医学史上将这种性格类型化的方式。辛迪·乔波达洛(Cindy Chopoidalo),“莎士比亚的亨利六世与抑郁症”,第2页,共9页CLCWeb:比较文学与文化20.5(2018):生活写作和医学叙事中关于生命,疾病和残疾的专刊。埃德 I-Chun Wang,Jonathan Locke Hart,Cindy Chopoidalo和David Porter