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Reconceptualizing uncertainty in illness: commonalities, variations, and the multidimensional nature of uncertainty
Annals of the International Communication Association Pub Date : 2018-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2018.1492354
Kai Kuang 1

ABSTRACT Communication scholars have been long interested in uncertainty and its connection to communicative actions. Since the special issue of Journal of Communication on uncertainty and communication [Babrow, (2001a). Introduction to the special issue on uncertainty, evaluation, and communication. Journal of Communication, 51, 453–455. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2001.tb02890.x], there is growing literature, including both theoretical advancements and empirical investigations, in this area of research, especially in health communication contexts. However, substantial variation exists in how uncertainty is defined across different research traditions, with a heavy yet narrow emphasis on probability and information deficit perspective. This paper reviews and synthesizes conceptualizations and operationalizations of uncertainty and highlights its multidimensional nature. Given that uncertainty and uncertainty management is context-specific, this paper focuses primarily on illness uncertainty. Theoretical and practical implications for understanding uncertainty and uncertainty management are discussed.



摘要 传播学者长期以来一直对不确定性及其与传播行为的联系感兴趣。自关于不确定性和交流的通讯杂志特刊 [Babrow, (2001a)。关于不确定性、评估和交流的特刊简介。通讯杂志,51, 453–455。doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2001.tb02890.x],在这个研究领域,尤其是在健康传播背景下,有越来越多的文献,包括理论进步和实证研究。然而,不同研究传统对不确定性的定义方式存在很大差异,重点强调概率和信息不足的观点。本文回顾并综合了不确定性的概念化和操作化,并强调了其多维性质。鉴于不确定性和不确定性管理是特定于环境的,本文主要关注疾病的不确定性。讨论了理解不确定性和不确定性管理的理论和实践意义。