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Fake news as a two-dimensional phenomenon: a framework and research agenda
Annals of the International Communication Association Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2019.1602782
Jana Laura Egelhofer 1 , Sophie Lecheler 1

ABSTRACT Based on an extensive literature review, we suggest that ‘fake news’ alludes to two dimensions of political communication: the fake news genre (i.e. the deliberate creation of pseudojournalistic disinformation) and the fake news label (i.e. the instrumentalization of the term to delegitimize news media). While public worries about the use of the label by politicians are increasing, scholarly interest is heavily focused on the genre aspect of fake news. We connect the existing literature on fake news to related concepts from political communication and journalism research, present a theoretical framework to study fake news, and formulate a research agenda. Thus, we bring clarity to the discourse about fake news and suggest shifting scholarly attention to the neglected fake news label.



摘要 基于广泛的文献综述,我们认为“假新闻”暗指政治传播的两个维度:假新闻类型(即故意制造伪新闻虚假信息)和假新闻标签(即将该术语的工具化以使其合法化)新闻媒体)。虽然公众对政客使用这个标签的担忧正在增加,但学术兴趣主要集中在假新闻的类型方面。我们将现有的假新闻文献与政治传播和新闻研究的相关概念联系起来,提出研究假新闻的理论框架,并制定研究议程。因此,我们明确了有关假新闻的论述,并建议将学术注意力转移到被忽视的假新闻标签上。