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Attack of the green-eyed monster: a review of jealousy and envy in small groups
Annals of the International Communication Association Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2018.1534550
Samantha F. Quinn 1 , Kristy Jagiello 2 , Erin K. Ruppel 2

ABSTRACT Past research on jealousy and envy has focused primarily on dyadic interpersonal relationships; little is known about the perception and expression of such emotions within small groups. The expression of jealousy and envy can impact group dynamics, group outcomes, and interactions between group members. Our review examines literature on jealousy and envy within small groups, uncovering the primary focus of past research, identifying research gaps, and providing recommendations for future research. The social-functional approach to emotions provides a unifying theoretical framework for understanding jealousy and envy in small groups. We encourage future research to focus on bona fide groups, romantic relationships within peer/social groups, consensually non-monogamous and polyamorous romantic relationships, and organizational groups, and to utilize a social comparison perspective.



摘要 过去关于嫉妒和嫉妒的研究主要集中在二元人际关系上。人们对小群体内这种情绪的感知和表达知之甚少。嫉妒和嫉妒的表达会影响群体动态、群体结果以及群体成员之间的互动。我们的评论审查了关于小组内部嫉妒和嫉妒的文献,揭示了过去研究的主要焦点,找出研究差距,并为未来的研究提供建议。情绪的社会功能方法为理解小团体中的嫉妒和嫉妒提供了统一的理论框架。我们鼓励未来的研究关注真正的群体、同龄人/社会群体内的浪漫关系、双方同意的非一夫一妻制和多角恋关系以及组织群体,