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Angelaki ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/0969725x.2020.1790834
Andrés Vaccari

Abstract Yuk Hui refers to cosmotechnics as the deep interweaving of human action and technology as shaped by diverse moral universes. In this article, I pit two views of cosmotechnics against each other. I begin by characterizing the present, dominant cosmotechnics through the lens of neosubstantivism, a view where technology is naturalized and seen as propelled by an autonomous logic of development. I focus on the Transhumanist Synthesis (TS) in its cosmotechnical aspects, as articulation of cosmology, technology, and ethics. TS is Silicon Valley’s mutant breed of ideology that rose from the failure of “soft” humanistic transhumanism. I examine the interests TS serves and the future it enables. Next, I examine the philosophy of Gilbert Simondon in this same cosmotechnical context. Simondon offers a prospective theory of cosmotechnics in which technical modes of thought arise from previous modes of magical, ethical, and religious thought. The naturalization of technology in Simondon takes a very different path that confronts the ruling cosmotechnics in challenging ways. Simondon offers an original vision of the relation between humans, nature, culture, and technology, rethinking these terms and their relations in ways that may break the hold of TS.



摘要 Yuk Hui 将宇宙技术称为人类行为和技术的深度交织,由不同的道德宇宙塑造。在这篇文章中,我将宇宙技术的两种观点相互对立。我首先通过新实体主义的视角来描述当前占主导地位的宇宙技术,这种观点认为技术被自然化并被视为由自主发展逻辑推动。我专注于超人类主义综合(TS)的宇宙技术方面,作为宇宙学、技术和伦理的表达。TS 是硅谷从“软”人文主义超人类主义的失败中兴起的意识形态变异品种。我研究了 TS 所服务的利益以及它所带来的未来。接下来,我将在同样的宇宙技术背景下研究吉尔伯特·西蒙东的哲学。西蒙东提供了一种前瞻性的宇宙技术理论,其中技术思维模式源于以前的魔法、伦理和宗教思维模式。西蒙东的技术归化采取了一条非常不同的道路,以具有挑战性的方式对抗统治的宇宙技术。西蒙东对人类、自然、文化和技术之间的关系提出了独到的见解,以可能打破 TS 控制的方式重新思考这些术语及其关系。