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Jews with Knives: Toronto’s Depression-Era Kosher-Slaughter Infrastructure and the Kehilla Enquiry of 1932
American Review of Canadian Studies Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02722011.2020.1771526
Amelia Ainsworth 1 , Rick Halpern 1

ABSTRACT In the 1930s, a legal dispute upset Toronto’s kosher-slaughter and kosher-retail industry. The Kehilla, the governing body responsible for regulating the city’s kosher system, was accused of charging exorbitant prices for kosher slaughter. Moreover, several community butchers alleged that they had been ostracized from the Municipal Abattoir and coerced into signing binding agreements with a butchers’ association. The conflict escalated to such adegree that the city’s court mediated the dispute at the request of the Board of Control and City Council. Using foodways as a lens into social and cultural dynamics, this article narrates and examines this kosher controversy to illuminate divisions within the city’s Depression-era Jewish community and the larger metropolis. This examination reveals a stratified yet resilient community—one that fostered severe class conflict, but also one that drew on killing-floor activism and an entrepreneurial spirit to secure an economic base in the face of a worsening depression.


持刀的犹太人:多伦多的大萧条时代犹太屠宰基础设施和 1932 年的凯希拉调查

摘要:在20世纪30年代,法律纠纷打乱了多伦多的犹太屠宰和犹太零售行业。负责监管该市犹太洁食系统的管理机构 Kehilla 被指控对犹太洁食屠宰收取过高的价格。此外,一些社区屠夫声称他们被市政屠宰场排斥,并被迫与屠夫协会签署了具有约束力的协议。冲突升级到如此程度,市法院应控制委员会和市议会的要求调解了纠纷。本文将美食作为社会和文化动态的一个镜头,叙述并研究了这一犹太教争议,以阐明该市大萧条时期的犹太社区和更大的大都市内部的分歧。