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Avoiding the “HUUUGE” Crisis Predicted: Third-Party Issues and Canada-US Relations in the Age of Trump
American Review of Canadian Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02722011.2020.1743003
Charles-Philippe David 1 , Julie-Pier Nadeau 1

ABSTRACT Donald Trump’s arrival in the White House has tested the special relationship between Canada and the US. Admittedly, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has had a harder time connecting with the new president than with his predecessor, President Barack Obama, but the difficulties between Washington and Ottawa go far beyond personal affinities. More specifically, Trump’s change of attitude toward both traditional allies of the United States and usual rivals has often put Canada in a difficult position. On the one hand, Canada cannot afford to antagonize its closest ally and commercial partner, but, on the other, it cannot sacrifice the other relationships it is trying to maintain across the globe. In an attempt to understand how Canada has managed to navigate this complicated relationship, this article will look at how Ottawa has dealt with third parties when its approach toward said parties differs from Washington’s. Additionally, using situations from the first three years of the Trump presidency, we will try to determine if third-party issues tend to alleviate or accentuate tensions in the bilateral relationship between Ottawa and Washington.



摘要 特朗普入主白宫,考验了加美特殊关系。诚然,总理贾斯汀·特鲁多与新总统的联系比与他的前任巴拉克·奥巴马总统更难,但华盛顿和渥太华之间的困难远远超出了个人的亲缘关系。更具体地说,特朗普对美国传统盟友和通常竞争对手的态度转变,常常让加拿大陷入困境。一方面,加拿大不能与其最亲密的盟友和商业伙伴对抗,但另一方面,它不能牺牲它试图在全球范围内维持的其他关系。为了了解加拿大如何设法驾驭这种复杂的关系,本文将研究渥太华在对待第三方的方式与华盛顿不同时如何与第三方打交道。此外,我们将利用特朗普上任前三年的情况,尝试确定第三方问题是否会缓解或加剧渥太华与华盛顿之间双边关系的紧张局势。