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Mixed Race Asian American Identity on Display
Amerasia Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.17953/aj.43.2.176-191
Lily Anne Welty Tamai 1 , Cindy Nakashima 2 , Duncan Ryuken Williams 3

As communities from colonial Latin America in the seventeenth century to the U.S. in the twentieth century began to diversify in terms of race and ethnicity, racial mixing was a reminder that those communities were on a course of change. Edward Said's concept of Orientalism is evoked when theorizing mixed-race identity—that identity is developed as a result of the interaction between the self and the other. This article examines several heritage museum exhibitions that focused on exhibitions on the topic of multiracial people, in particular the multiracial Japanese American history exhibition, Visible and Invisible: A Hapa Japanese American History. Ethnic arts institutions function to legitimize marginalized stories by providing the gallery space to support public history, and create memory for displaced communities.



随着从 17 世纪殖民地拉丁美洲到 20 世纪美国的社区在种族和民族方面开始多样化,种族混合提醒人们这些社区正在发生变化。爱德华赛义德的东方主义概念在对混血身份进行理论化时被唤起——身份是自我与他人互动的结果。本文考察了几个遗产博物馆展览,这些展览侧重于多种族主题的展览,特别是多种族日裔美国人历史展览,可见与不可见:哈帕日裔美国人历史。民族艺术机构通过提供画廊空间来支持公共历史并为流离失所的社区创造记忆,从而使边缘化的故事合法化。