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Reproducing neglect in the place of care: Normalised violence within Cape Town Midwifery Obstetric Units
Agenda Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10130950.2019.1704481
Jessica Dutton , Lucia Knight

abstract Access to quality maternal health care within South Africa is strongly determined by where a woman lives and her socioeconomic positioning. Through an analysis of experiences shared by nurses and midwives working within Midwifery Obstetric Units (MOUs) within Cape Town, this article considers how the South African health system maintains and reproduces gendered inequalities. The ways in which such inequalities materialise within an MOU are vast; for this article we focus on the issue of patient neglect. We approach neglect as a form of reproductive governance, and resource shortage as a form of violence, and the ways in which both devalue women’s reproductive labour. Resistance takes the form of kindness, and is always under duress within a system that is predicated on inequality.



摘要 在南非,能否获得优质的孕产妇保健很大程度上取决于妇女的居住地和社会经济地位。通过分析在开普敦助产科 (MOU) 工作的护士和助产士分享的经验,本文考虑了南非卫生系统如何维持和再现性别不平等。谅解备忘录中出现这种不平等的方式多种多样;在这篇文章中,我们关注的是患者忽视的问题。我们将忽视视为一种生殖治理形式,将资源短缺视为一种暴力形式,以及两者贬低妇女生殖劳动的方式。抵抗以善意的形式出现,并且总是在以不平等为基础的系统中受到胁迫。