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Security sector reform in Zimbabwe: Scrutinising the rationale for police reform
African Security Review ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10246029.2019.1665561
Darlington Mutanda 1, 2

ABSTRACT Studies on security sector reform in Zimbabwe have largely taken the radical view that more often than not, the military has acted undemocratically through uttering and overseeing an array of operations meant to stifle democracy. Using document analysis, this article argues that police reform in Zimbabwe is imperative in ensuring the safety of the citizens who have since 1980 fallen victim to police unprofessionalism. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that any insightful discussion on security sector reform in Zimbabwe should take into account the role police have occupied in propping up ZANU PF since independence in 1980. Notwithstanding the volatile political environment that prevailed, it is the argument of this paper that the police were central to the survival of ZANU PF through the systematic execution of violence against the opposition; ignoring cases of political violence brought to them or even the ones they witnessed; carrying out politically-motivated arrests and dismissing alleged anti-ZANU PF police officers. It is therefore significant for Zimbabwe to speed up efforts to train and equip the police force with the requisite skills and weaponry so that they execute their duties within the confines of the country’s constitution.



摘要 关于津巴布韦安全部门改革的研究在很大程度上采取了激进的观点,即军队通常通过发表和监督一系列旨在扼杀民主的行动来采取不民主的行动。通过文件分析,本文认为津巴布韦的警察改革对于确保自 1980 年以来成为警察不专业行为受害者的公民的安全至关重要。有足够的证据表明,关于津巴布韦安全部门改革的任何有见地的讨论都应该考虑到警察自 1980 年独立以来在支持 ZANU PF 中所扮演的角色。 尽管当时的政治环境动荡不安,本文的论点是,通过系统地对反对派实施暴力,警察是 ZANU PF 生存的核心;无视给他们带来的政治暴力案件,甚至是他们目睹的政治暴力案件;进行出于政治动机的逮捕并解雇涉嫌反 ZANU PF 的警察。因此,津巴布韦必须加快努力,训练和装备警察部队,使其具备必要的技能和武器,以便他们在国家宪法的范围内履行职责。