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Coloured Cabinets: A Reflection on Material Culture as a Marker of Coloured Identity in Cloetesville, South Africa
African Historical Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17532523.2018.1423763
Stephané E. Conradie 1

ABSTRACT In coloured neighbourhoods of the Western Cape in South Africa, there are objects in people's homes that live in a unique historical and cultural moment. This article reports on an examination, in the neighbourhood of Cloetesville, Stellenbosch, of how these objects inside residents’ homes tell a story of a creolised people and the locations in which they are situated. In the case of Cloetesville, as in many neighbourhoods that arose from a history of forced removals, many people experience various social and economic problems. Coloured people's identities are commonly thought to rest in these problems. This article, however, seeks to suggest an alternative way of exploring coloured identity through looking at objects in households and broader living environments. Thus, I hope to provide insight into different yet distinct experiences by contributing new perspectives through looking at nostalgic and ordentlike (respectable) sentiments of belonging. Specifically cabinets in living rooms are conceptualised as repositories of such sentiments in the home, and how the objects residing in the home have the power/ability to symbolically ground their owners in the neighbourhood of Cloetesville.



摘要 在南非西开普省的有色社区,人们家中的物品生活在独特的历史和文化时刻。本文报道了在斯泰伦博斯克洛特斯维尔附近进行的一项检查,研究居民家中的这些物品如何讲述一个克里奥尔人及其所处位置的故事。就 Cloetesville 而言,就像在许多因强迫搬迁历史而产生的社区一样,许多人遇到了各种社会和经济问题。有色人种的身份通常被认为取决于这些问题。然而,本文试图提出一种通过观察家庭和更广泛的生活环境中的物体来探索有色人种身份的替代方法。因此,我希望通过观察怀旧和类似(可敬的)归属感来提供新的视角,从而提供对不同但不同的体验的洞察力。特别是客厅里的橱柜被概念化为家庭中这种情绪的储存库,以及居住在家里的物品如何具有象征性地将其主人置于克洛特斯维尔附近的权力/能力。