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“Comrade Mzala”: Memory Construction and Legacy Preservation
African Historical Review Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17532523.2017.1415498
Percy Ngonyama 1

ABSTRACT Adopting the broad inter-disciplinary concept of “memory” and its construction in a public sphere, I examine some of the ways in which memories of Jabulani Nobleman Nxumalo, known as “Comrade Mzala” in liberation struggle circles, have been constructed and kept alive since his passing. A leading activist of the ANC, MK and the SACP, Mzala succumbed to an illness in a London hospital on February 22, 1991. A number of commemorative events and other activities, including grass-roots and branch-level initiatives, media releases, memorial lectures, colloquia and speeches and tributary statements, are analysed. Their tone, emotion, style and implicit objectives are explored. Notwithstanding the ubiquitous recognition of Mzala's liberation struggle credentials and intellectual prowess, there is no homogeneity in the manner he is remembered and celebrated; nor is there agreement in the reading of Mzala in a post-apartheid South Africa and its associated political and socio- economic context. Moreover, whilst it is predominantly organisations and individuals within the Tripartite Alliance who have been the main proponents of remembering, honouring and memorialising Mzala, there are others, outside of the Alliance and even antagonistic, who find inspiration in his radical world outlook, work and persona; and often use their memory of Mzala to critique the current political and economic conjuncture.



摘要 采用“记忆”这一广泛的跨学科概念及其在公共领域的建构,我考察了在解放斗争圈子中被称为“姆扎拉同志”的贾布拉尼贵族恩苏马洛的记忆是如何建构和保存的。自从他去世后还活着。1991 年 2 月 22 日,ANC、MK 和 SACP 的主要活动家 Mzala 在伦敦一家医院因病去世。 一系列纪念活动和其他活动,包括基层和分支机构级倡议、媒体发布、纪念活动分析了讲座、座谈会和演讲以及附属声明。探讨了他们的语气、情感、风格和隐含的目标。尽管姆扎拉的解放斗争资历和智力实力得到普遍认可,他被记住和庆祝的方式没有同质性;在种族隔离后的南非及其相关的政治和社会经济背景下,对 Mzala 的解读也没有达成一致。此外,虽然主要是三方联盟内的组织和个人是纪念、尊重和纪念 Mzala 的主要支持者,但在联盟之外的其他人甚至敌对者中,他们从他激进的世界观、工作和人设;并且经常利用他们对 Mzala 的记忆来批判当前的政治和经济形势。虽然主要是三方联盟内的组织和个人是纪念、纪念和纪念 Mzala 的主要支持者,但在联盟之外的其他人甚至敌对者中,他们从他激进的世界观、工作和人格中找到灵感;并且经常利用他们对 Mzala 的记忆来批判当前的政治和经济形势。虽然主要是三方联盟内的组织和个人是纪念、纪念和纪念 Mzala 的主要支持者,但在联盟之外的其他人甚至敌对者中,他们从他激进的世界观、工作和人格中找到灵感;并且经常利用他们对 Mzala 的记忆来批判当前的政治和经济形势。