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Official development assistance and the factors impeding its effectiveness in Africa
Africa Review ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-21 , DOI: 10.1080/09744053.2018.1485252
Ifeoma Ifeyinwa Momah 1

ABSTRACT In 1970, the DAC members accepted the 0.70% ODA/GNI target for official development assistance. Most African countries are recipients of ODA. The sustainability and effectiveness of the aid given by donors to Africa is called into question. Bad governance, mismanagement of domestic resources and corruption are identified as the major factors hindering the effectiveness of aid and sustainable development in Africa. Africans have subconciously become dependent on aid, and it is gradually becoming a vicious cycle. A more sustainable solution has to be found because regardless of the good intentions donors have, they will never be able to do it all. Africans are the ones inside and know exactly “where the shoe pinches”. Donors are limited as to what they can see from outside. It also seems as though the quest for aid effectiveness is more donor driven. Aid should complement what is already being done by the African governments, and should be used as leverage. A lot depends on the government and the people. Good governance is key. African leaders have to realize that they must have regard for the people they are leading. They must respect them because they have put their trust in them, and are looking up to them to chart a course for economic development. They need to realize that they are accountable to the people and must be as transparent as possible. Financing sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development are some possible ways of ensuring effectiveness of aid in Africa.


