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Gender, violence, refugees
Africa Review ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-26 , DOI: 10.1080/09744053.2018.1538682
Anupama Sharan 1

experiences but also did not pointed out the circumstances that pushed women to become international migrants, using among other trafficking channels or to seek refugee resettlement. Finding out the answers of such questions require gender-specific studies, which may result in different results for men and women. Drawing inferences from feminist research methodology this book places centrality of gender in differing forms of migration patterns, such analysis has largely been ignored by male researchers in past. Authors have used the metaphor of body, variety of forms that gender takes on the African continent. Indeed they have looked beyond traditional social science methods of enquiry to understand gender in larger migratory framework. The main strength of the book is that scholars provide well researched insights into the issue with empirical data findings and analysis. The book is an extensive research based collection of essays focusing on the meaningful understanding of the issue as well as suggesting ways to ameliorate the situation. No doubt book offers insight into changing gender roles over time. Authors have made a serious effort to highlight the interconnection between gender and migration, and call upon the continuous need for exploring the concept and nature of gender in Africa. It is the need of the hour that migrant women’s rights are protected, and they are provided access to social, health and financial services for a better life in host country. For such initiative we require strong political will to frame and implement gender inclusive policy not only for Africa but across the globe.


