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de arte Pub Date : 2016-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00043389.2016.1241570
Bernadette Van Haute

In this issue the original research section is restricted to one article submitted by Frederick Potgieter, entitled “On intersubjectivity in art and everyday aesthetics”. His aim is to counter the restrictive description of everyday aesthetics as private, subjective and nondiscursive by pointing to the role of intersubjective, discursive, institutional arenas in fostering meaningful everyday aesthetic experience. Potgieter first conducts a historical and hermeneutical exploration of how modern subjectivity was constructed and problematised and is often reconstructed as intersubjectivity by post-structuralism and the Artworld. In the second part of the article he shows that contemporary aestheticians agree that language has the potential to enrich ineffable aesthetic experience in all walks of life. Potgieter extends this broad perspective by arguing that differential discourse is particularly appropriate for this task. He concludes that by demarcating everyday aesthetics as private and as the “other” of the contemporary Artworld, there is a risk of marginalising this important area of aesthetic interest and of impoverishing both art and everyday aesthetic life. For the section of research within a theme, we selected “Rethinking art history and visual culture in a contemporary context” – the theme of the 31st Annual Conference of the South African Visual Arts Historians (SAVAH) which took place at the University of Johannesburg on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 July 2016. As stated in the call for papers:



在本期中,原始研究部分仅限于 Frederick Potgieter 提交的一篇题为“艺术与日常美学中的主体间性”的文章。他的目标是通过指出主体间的、话语的、制度化的领域在培养有意义的日常审美体验中的作用,来反驳将日常美学描述为私人的、主观的和非话语的。Potgieter 首先对现代主体性如何被建构和问题化进行了历史和解释学探索,并且经常被后结构主义和艺术世界重建为主体间性。在文章的第二部分,他表明当代美学家同意语言具有丰富各行各业难以言喻的审美体验的潜力。Potgieter 认为差异化话语特别适合这项任务,从而扩展了这一广泛的观点。他的结论是,通过将日常美学划分为私人的和当代艺术世界的“他者”,存在着边缘化这一重要的审美兴趣领域以及使艺术和日常审美生活变得贫乏的风险。对于主题内的研究部分,我们选择了“在当代语境中重新思考艺术史和视觉文化”——南非视觉艺术史学家(SAVAH)第 31 届年会的主题,该会议于 2018 年在约翰内斯堡大学举行。 2016 年 7 月 29 日星期五和 30 日星期六。如论文征集所述:他的结论是,通过将日常美学划分为私人的和当代艺术世界的“他者”,存在着边缘化这一重要的审美兴趣领域以及使艺术和日常审美生活变得贫乏的风险。对于主题内的研究部分,我们选择了“在当代语境中重新思考艺术史和视觉文化”——南非视觉艺术史学家(SAVAH)第 31 届年会的主题,该会议于 2018 年在约翰内斯堡大学举行。 2016 年 7 月 29 日星期五和 30 日星期六。如论文征集所述:他的结论是,通过将日常美学划分为私人的和当代艺术世界的“他者”,存在着边缘化这一重要的审美兴趣领域以及使艺术和日常审美生活变得贫乏的风险。对于主题内的研究部分,我们选择了“在当代语境中重新思考艺术史和视觉文化”——南非视觉艺术史学家(SAVAH)第 31 届年会的主题,该会议于 2018 年在约翰内斯堡大学举行。 2016 年 7 月 29 日星期五和 30 日星期六。如论文征集所述: