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A Submerged Forest on the Foreshore at Redcar, NZ 60302570
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00844276.2019.1614765
Stephen J. Sherlock 1

Abstract In March 2018, a substantial part of the submerged forest at Redcar beach was exposed. The remains extended for a length of 200 m along the foreshore, a maximum width of 60 m and a maximum stratigraphic depth of 100 mm. Samples were taken from a silver birch branch in the latest horizon and root material penetrating natural in the earliest horizon. Radiocarbon dating analysis produced a terminus post quem for the sampled timber of 4689–4463 cal. BC. These are the first radiocarbon dates for the remains at Redcar and they place the submerged forest in the Mesolithic period.


新西兰 60302570 雷德卡海滨的淹没森林

摘要 2018 年 3 月,雷德卡海滩的大部分水下森林暴露在外。遗迹沿前滨延伸200 m,最大宽度60 m,最大地层深度100 mm。样品取自最新地层的银桦树枝和最早地层中穿透自然的根材料。放射性碳测年分析为 4689-4463 cal 的采样木材产生了一个终点。公元前。这些是 Redcar 遗迹的第一个放射性碳日期,他们将淹没的森林置于中石器时代。