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Friars, the Pilgrimage of Grace, and the Dissolution of the Dominican and Franciscan Priories in Sixteenth-century Beverley
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00844276.2018.1465681
Claire Cross 1

Abstract Particularly when they came to die, the inhabitants of Beverley in the early Tudor period were still actively seeking the services of their Dominican and Franciscan friars whose priories had been established in the town in the mid-thirteenth century. After the calling of the Reformation parliament in 1529, some of these friars vehemently opposed Henry VIII’s break with Rome and played a crucial role as intermediaries in the Pilgrimage of Grace which began on Westwood in October 1536. The extent of the rebellion convinced the government of the need to eradicate the religious orders in their entirety and in the ensuing dissolution of the remaining monasteries the two Beverley friaries fell to the crown in late February 1539. This, however, did not quite extinguish all traces of mendicancy in the area since the last prior of the Black Friars continued to live in the town for another two decades until he died still a Dominican at heart in 1558.


修道士、恩典朝圣以及 16 世纪贝弗利的多米尼加和方济各会修道院的解散

摘要 特别是当他们临终时,都铎王朝早期贝弗利的居民仍在积极寻求他们的多米尼加和方济会修士的服务,他们的修道院已于 13 世纪中叶在该镇建立。在 1529 年召开宗教改革议会会议后,其中一些修士强烈反对亨利八世与罗马决裂,并在 1536 年 10 月在韦斯特伍德开始的格雷斯朝圣中发挥了关键作用。 1539 年 2 月下旬,由于需要彻底根除宗教秩序以及随后解散剩余的修道院,贝弗利的两个修道士落入王位。