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The Accommodation, Experiences and Concerns of the Mentally Unwell Poor in Mid-nineteenth Century Leeds
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00844276.2019.1624422
Graham Rawson 1

Abstract Prior to the implementation of the Poor Law Amendment Act, the provision for the mentally ill poor in the nineteenth century was founded in local welfare mechanisms. Township administrations had several choices for their accommodation: pension type payments or casual relief to help maintain them in their homes in the community; admittance to the workhouse; or application to the county asylum. Analysis of the case notes of patients treated in the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Stanley Royds near Wakefield, correlated with local records, permits an investigation into the concerns, experiences and beliefs of those admitted there. In so doing it reveals the social, religious and economic preoccupations which may have contributed to illness, and provides a rich insight into the lives of the poor in mid-nineteenth century Leeds.


19 世纪中叶利兹精神病患者的住宿、经历和担忧

摘要 在《济贫法修正案》实施之前,19 世纪对精神病穷人的规定是建立在地方福利机制中的。乡镇政府有几种住宿选择:养老金类型的支付或临时救济以帮助他们在社区的家中生活;进入济贫院;或向县庇护申请。对在韦克菲尔德附近的斯坦利罗伊兹 (Stanley Royds) 的 West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum 接受治疗的患者的病例记录进行分析,并与当地记录相关联,可以对那里收治的人的担忧、经历和信仰进行调查。通过这样做,它揭示了可能导致疾病的社会、宗教和经济问题,并提供了对 19 世纪中叶利兹穷人生活的丰富见解。